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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. https://twitter.com/senorfrio/status/870130459832745985 nope.
  2. also gave all his senior staff exemptions to ethics rules. and putin said russia backs the paris agreement. lulz. this shit is fucking dystopian stupidity also, DOJ gave authorization for surveillance of some journalists to find out where the leaks are coming from. ugh
  3. covfefe http://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-exempts-entire-senior-staff-from-white-house-ethics-rules "trump exempts entire senior staff from ethics rules" sweet covfefe
  4. mcdonald's is rolling out delivery service. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mcdonalds-rolls-delivery-york-143358759.html america is so fuckt.
  5. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/869766994899468288
  6. trying to get some shit done but #covfefe hashtag blowing up. fucking donald j trump on his bullshit again!
  7. regarding the burrito ladies in portland.. "ask a mexican" http://boingboing.net/2017/05/30/ask-a-mexican-tackles-burri.html there was lot's of going over the reality of food on reddit that was pretty good/entertaining/funny/informative etc. everyone in america should have to visit new orleans once and have some food and learn some history this guy makes me feel ok.
  8. oh it isn't .. but pdx is going through growing pains regardless of what stabby assholes are up to. the history is there though.. but i guess every city in america has its own racist history as well. there used to be some infamous KKK dude had a camp or something w/a bunch of skinheads living there.. i think it faded away in the 90s sometime. but pdx is still a uniquely open and accepting place.. unless you're white lady trying to make burritos... but that's another story.
  9. there's a long history of wackos, KKK, nazi skinheads etc. it's a liberal place but is an island in a lot of ways.
  10. man sorry to hear. that shit is a total plague round this way too. My wife has a handful of relatives who are on-and-off addicts, no matter how many times her family tries to save them and bring them back, and no matter how many near-death experiences they have, sometimes they will just keep slipping back into it. In one case I think we're pretty much waiting for the phone call to find out that they've died Not sure how bad it is out east, but it's an absolute epidemic here in Alberta. Way more killed from fentanyl than homicides. Fuck that shit and the scum that distribute it. Sorry to hear you guys are affected directly =( it's an epidemic. lot's of people falling out from it in the PNW and then getting brought back w/narcan and then going around again and again until they don't make it. sucks.
  11. if you don't know who gorka is he's a bullshit artist.
  12. it's the worst. worse than people and that's saying something. well placed lol btw. thank you.
  13. pretty shaken right now as this happened in my town on trains people i know use all the time. if not for cycling everywhere i'd be on trains too. this is a direct result of the changed climate thanks to the enabling racist president giving these morons leave to come out of the closet. http://www.wweek.com/uncategorized/2017/05/26/witnesses-man-on-northeast-portland-max-train-cut-the-throats-of-two-men-who-tried-to-stop-anti-muslim-bullying-of-women-passengers/
  14. Ivanka finally let him get in the back door? Must be to help relieve all the stress he's under, and possibly to make sure he doesn't rat on her.
  15. if the terminator comes to my door i'm just gonna tell him that yes i am sara connor and get shot in the face.
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