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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. badmotorfinger is a great record. RIP Chris Cornell.
  2. oh man.. can't wait to hear that. wtf.. maybe he'll hug the quran or something...
  3. can't wait for a thread called "Now that Trump is not president". maybe in a year.
  4. these assholes are from canada. this is cultural appropriation. absolutely sickening. The Dead South could be a reference to Winnipeg?
  5. this is awful.. so many levels of awful. i envy the old and dying.
  6. one of the scarier things i've read in a while. https://www.forbes.com/sites/melikkaylan/2017/05/11/hidden-clues-in-the-trump-comey-drama-its-worse-than-you-think/#785232afdfda
  7. you just rub it on the penis and balls? i'd be afraid of the scent and then people calling me pumpkin dick or palmetto balls.. "hey what's that smell palmetto balls pumpkin dick?"
  8. palonium tea is a strong deterent.. or falling off a roof... or suicide by shooting in back of head 3 times srsly though wtf comey?
  9. that curt schilling shit is wild and fucked up fraud.
  10. classic Drumpf, misdirect the audience to distract them. He's only got like 4 or 5 conspiracy theories he just keeps rotating. Omarosa will be the next AG, mark my words. Trump's new "Presidential Commission on Election Integrity" should be re-named the "Voter Suppression Project." Need proof? Kris Kobach, vice chair of the commission, has been sued by the ACLU for voter suppression 4 times, and the ACLU has won every time.
  11. ^^^^ article http://www.rgvproud.com/news/local-news/trump-supporter-harassing-muslim-family-in-viral-video-cries-in-mug-shot/711293691
  12. saw a thing yesterday that the person who directs the US Census quit. so, i'm sure there's a story there and i'm sure it relates to gerrymandering. maybe that's a hunch but i'm fucking tired and sick and stuff. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/us-census-director-resigns-amid-turmoil-over-funding-of-2020-count/2017/05/09/8f8657c6-34ea-11e7-b412-62beef8121f7_story.html?utm_term=.a5ea920b5044
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