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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "i'll be outta here in 6 months.. i've seen my poll numbers.. let's close the beach and go to the beach"
  2. anyone know where a president can get a hotel room in hamburg? asking for a friend.
  3. wot.. the end.. wow. https://www.tumblr.com/video/theweirdwideweb/162409619302/700/
  4. it is what it is (and is different for everyone.. but same).. modern life. and yeah.. we'd all probably be much more miserable and psychologically traumatized if they'd stayed together. but damn if parents can't pull some pity party guilt trip kung fu when they want to.
  5. solid guilt trip from mom regarding summer visit and time spent w/each of my parents who have been divorced for 30+ years or something. I'm 45 and it still sucks being a child of divorce. i should go hang myself in the garage or have a kid they never get to see. that'll show'em.
  6. in the extra features of the Twin Peaks box set there's an interview w/david lynch where he says he never wanted to reveal who killed laura palmer because that was the golden goose that kept on giving but the network made them do it... so, i'm wondering if that's why cooper hasn't woken up yet? is cooper the golden goose? waking him up might answer too many questions and maybe they don't want to do that for a while??? just a thought... we'll see of course...
  7. new narrative.. collusion is OK. not a crime. okey dokey...
  8. Either a body or a picture of him in lingerie. or some kind of bullshit tax loophole
  9. seems so. rather hard edge to it isn't there. seems it'll put a bunch of angry people into the streets even more. or perhaps they'll some people just enough to keep them from revolting. meh.. fuck. the future looks bumpy as ever. we'll have to invade a country to take our minds off it. prep your kids!
  10. the healthcare bill is brutal shit. it's what the harsh memes are made of. it's fucked up. they are the death party. they are the Death Panel
  11. you vs the idm.. fucking lols.. much lulz.
  12. Seems that way. All this talk about incriminating evidence and not a damn thing being done about it. Or at least that's how it appears in the public eye. could be.. all this stuff takes time. remember when they impeached clinton for covering up a blow job? it took a year. the trump investigation is sprawling. lot's of material witnesses and all kinds of shit figuring out how to prove obstruction of justice or whatever they are going for has got to be a tough thing. it will drag on.. unless they find some smoking gun and trump resigns. it's a shit show.
  13. saw that this morning too. wtf. that cop or agent or whatever the fuck he is is off his fucking rocker. violent hair trigger asshole. so fucked up.
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