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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. best track of the piss'n'poop genre lolo its piss and poorp
  2. Yes, Europeans mostly know it from Hip Hop. But I wonder why in countries that were big colonial powers like the Netherlands or France the sensitisation for that topic isn't more similar to the American one. Maybe it's the years of coexistence in race segregation that make the difference here, if that's not an assumption too reckless to make
  3. One day an AI will use this information to reconstruct your personality and clone you
  4. I made a really good stew today. I made it like my mom used to make it https://www.google.de/search?q=lauch+hackfleisch+eintopf&sxsrf=ACYBGNQUaVPRQht7BRllLEe9wyxCPxWN2g:1573502268949&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj4aze-OLlAhVL_aQKHWzaAp0Q_AUIEigB&biw=1440&bih=737) The mere fact that stews exist.... just think about it
  5. Yes, have listened to this multiple times now. I really like how effortlessly it alternates between techno dub and drone and how there is no cheese at all. In fact I have binged almost all Rrose records since I found out about her two days ago
  6. I suggest to borrow more words from German, such as Fleischsalat, which describes a mixture of meat and mayonnaise.
  7. I didn't know Rrose before. Some of the coolest techno I've heard in a while
  8. Nice design. Looks like album art
  9. He posted a video of an autist voicing their opinion in a thread related to autism. And if there wasn't any text removed that he posted that I'm not aware of and that's offensive, then this seems totally fine and appropriate
  10. Pretty wise words actually and kind of makes me think of the dilemma of animal rights. I'm by the way not comparing autists to animals, but the thinking that makes industrial mass stock farming possible also makes considering autists as some sort of mentally inferior beings possible. Pretty strange that this vid has been censored.
  11. Why isn't there a legal maximum of private property? If there is a minimum wage and a calculatable subsistence minimum, why isn't there a maximum? Hoomans having too much causes as many problems as hoomans having too little
  12. Joyrex is a buzzkill We don't laugh at autists, we laugh with autists Huarhahahahaaa
  13. ^one of the best you've posted lately. put that on a shirt
  14. So you think groups that identify as Christian have a wrong understanding of Christianity and therefore don't count?
  15. Ah yeah, the individualism vs. collectivism thing. I think a certain amount of individualism is the foundation for freedom. Too much adjustment pressure destroys many freedoms. But the US is very religious, there is a lot of adjustment pressure in religious groups. So is individual freedom really America's core value? I dislike America mostly for its wars, power politics and lack of social politics and how hard they make it for some of its inhibitants economically, all of which is totally unnecessary. The student loan crisis is a disgrace for such a rich country.
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