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Everything posted by zero

  1. the less time I can spend starring at a screen the better. that's why I prefer analog gear.
  2. remember what Thommy Yorke said while speaking through his speech synthesizer - "pragmatism not idealism." I agree in theory with all you said. but remember these are all ideals, and it's very hard to turn ideals into reality for the majority of people on the planet. IMO citizens living their lives aren't the biggest factor contributing to the environmental problem here. it is the big companies doing the worst damage, in the name of the almighty dollar. but if we're talking citizens, I know "we have to start somewhere." but it seems that the "start" part is the toughest thing to get off the ground in regard to practical solutions toward climate change. for example, recycling gained massive popularity in the 1980's with average citizens as a way to help the planet. has it helped? climate change continues to get worse. recycling is an easy way to "do" something to make ourselves feel better. but is it really helping? I think most of recycling got debunked along the way. plastics don't actually get recycled, etc. and it is way too small a dent in the big picture any way... and then there's the whole eco-friendly organic food movement, which is only for people who can afford it. for all those scraping by trying to survive, they eat anything they can get. to grow their own food requires knowledge + capital, and where does that realistically come from? who is going to show them how to do it? this used to be passed down generationally, but that time has now passed us by, since the majority of humans in western countries are no longer living off the land. I guess my point is small steps with easy to understand "instructions," are what it takes to get people changing their lifestyles. throwing climate change bad news in their faces through media, as is currently done, will only make them yawn and ignore... again, the biggest problem is for profit industries wrecking the environment. yes those companies are powered by citizens. and the citizens need income to live in the world. to stop for profit industry, we'd have to change the current structure of modern society completely, and uh, yeah...that for sure is an easy thing to do lol.
  3. the Greeks! good call dude. those OG's of government. suppose I need to read some of those classics before attempting to wax philosophical on political systems. seems like they had it all figured out. I know they talked about the cyclical nature of politics, one system will be replaced by another in time...sure seems like we're closing in on a point when democracy will be replaced by something else. probably AI related something or other. cool, thanks for fact checking. I was going on the anecdotal line of thinking that the younger generation doesn't turnout to vote in the same numbers as the older generation does.
  4. lol...dunno how much nature is involved in politics. the whole democracy thing is a man made system designed by humans to keep other humans from devolving into chaos...only at this point in time now we see it isn't really working that well. the chaos is starting to creep further and further in. the democratic system as it was originally designed needs to be overhauled big time. but too many strings attached to it, which won't allow it to change...something closer to communism is probably how humans should be doing it, if this were in fact according to the rules of nature. a collectivist system without the corruption. but that requires a mental shut down of the ego, which is impossible. would require us to live less like man, and more like animal. anyway, I hope you're right man about the GOP being fucked. best case is don don's legal doo doo prevents him from holding office again. is there nothing in the fckin system that says convicted criminal con men cannot become US president? re-write that shit now! stupid congress needs to come up with a new rule fast stating this. I also think there should be a mental competency test given to candidates wanting to run for office. yeah but gen z are notoriously the group that doesn't show up at the polls.
  5. your social circle I'm guessing is probably made of people of closely related socioeconomic status. now let's say all of a sudden one of the members in the group wins big in the lotto, and the others know about it. this person moves out of that socioeconomic status level to the top of the chain. the whole group dynamic is going to change, whether you like it or not. the winner may experience some guilt about this, and will want to share money with the others. then this spreads, and next thing you know, you're dealing with people you barely know trying to bug you for a loan, won't leave you alone, and your dream life turns into a nightmare...this is why if you win, then you don't say shit about it to anyone! hire a lawyer, stay anonymous, and keep on with your life.
  6. exactly. I made some comment on here years ago that the media powers that be should forgo their differences, and make some pact to not give him any coverage whatsoever. don't mention him at all. but realistically, that's impossible. the media secretly love him. even CNN. he draws eyeballs to their content, which is how they make their money. and all the eyeballs love to see a spectacle/trainwreck happen, which is donald's MO. he knows this, which is why he's been able to survive the way he has for this long.
  7. agreed hardly. never underestimate the power of stupidity and nonsensical decision making in biased humans. "it doesn't make any sense," yet people will do it any way. people will vote R no matter what. donald is 100% proof of this. doesn't matter who it is, they stick to the party because why? due to some personal attachment to it... tunnel vision. won't accept factual information. fingers in the ears. will never EVER vote dem because of some stupid self-perpetuating reason. why tf anyone would vote for donald again is insanity. there are a massive amount of people in this country that should be deemed legally insane, and have their voting privileges revoked. me, I'm not perfect, just try and always follow the path of logic, common sense, and reality. I don't like politics at all, but follow what's going on nonetheless. the 2 party system isn't the way to go, but what other choice do us Americans have. vote for the lesser of the 2 evils is how I see it.
  8. was in the mood recently to watch some late '80s / early '90s action movies I'd never seen before, with scooby-doo style plots & villains. these all fit the bill perfectly. the early '90s were great for these types of movies.
  9. that's a name I haven't heard in a while. shame they couldn't have kept going. the EP + album are both excellent.
  10. I know its passe' to complain about the weather...but holy hell. another "hottest day of the year" record broken here in TX today. 110f / 44c on the thermometer, before that "feels like" temp makes it like 114f. no rain since early July. everything is super parched. trees dying. it's been hitting at least 100f / 40c every day now for over a month. supposed to keep going like this for at least 2 more weeks. still over 100f at 8pm. total sauna. I feel bad for all the planets and animals that will die because of this destruction of the planet caused by humans. they had nothing to do with it, are the ones that will suffer the most. they can't turn on the air conditioning to escape it.
  11. that's what I thought whenever this all started last year. the moves he was (and is still) making in the public lens made it seem as though he deliberately wanted to tank twitter. which doesn't really make much sense, since he had to get the banks involved to buy it in the first place. his stupid childish actions will ultimately cost him a shit load of money. and last time I checked, most people don't try and deliberately lose a lot of their $... so what is the advantage to tank it? I don't know enough about financial cat and mouse games to make sense of it. it really does come across as an ego thing. baby Elon got mad during the months of will he / won't he buy it negotiations last year, wanted to screw the place up to stick it to the libs, or something like that. he may have been thinking to turn it into a maga stronghold, but then donnie boy un-friended him, so now he's left with a sinking ship.
  12. and therein lies the problem. science has come up with a game plan to deter harming the planet further. but the egomaniacs in govt/large corporations currently running the planet can't and/or won't accept it. why? money of course. the plans all will involve capital in some way. reducing it or spending it to make change. and so yeah...then we're stuck at a stalemate... we need to completely untangle the money making machine for any plans to work IMO. that involves wide scale acceptance to do so. and the people at the top of the global chain won't allow that. so...
  13. talk is cheap. meaningful action is the important part. but the problem is, humans get stuck on the talking part. they can't all agree. just talk talk talk away (or shouting) trying to come up with a plan to fix environmental issues. then nothing happens. or the plan starts, then stops without intended result. the proverbial and literal hole digging keeps on happening... people on this planet have been speaking/writing about the "degenerate age" for 1,000's of years. it is a known fact that "shit is getting worse!" yet we (i.e. humanity) are powerless to stop it. humans are getting worse. behavior is getting worse. consumption habits are getting worse. the plant's ecosystem is getting worse because of humans. just spiralling away down the shitter. this has been going on for a loooong time (yeah, industrial revolution really sped up the decline rate a bit). there's nothing anyone can do really. you may think you can, but in reality, you are a lone voice in your head out there, imagining some version of how things ought to be. and they ought to be better! sure you can band together with others who share a similar eco-friendly viewpoint, pretend like you're doing something positive. but only a matter of time before you break your own rules. things are the way they are right now for exactly the reason they are. past actions of dead humans brought us to the present shit show. humans have been draining the planet of its resources (yet on smaller scale) since the point in time when we evolved past apes, banded together, and developed consciousness/ego as a way to survive amongst other humans. then we kept exponentially growing, consuming, made life easier for the next generation, and voila! almost 8 billion humans now on the planet. way too many! the solution, if you ask me, is to get humans to turn off the voice in the head (ego), and just exist as naturally as possible. turn off the left brain interpreter, go with the right brain's instinctive take on what the viewer perceives. but this is impossible, because we all live in a society that was developed by and for the ego. we all were forced to live together. we can't all leave society now. we can retreat to nature for spurts to reconnect with how it ought to be. but then we return back to the lives that have all been forced upon us. and these lives involve consuming and/or doing a bunch of shit that is (1) bad for us and (2) bad for the planet... just keep on riding the reality wave, see what happens next, and try and generate some positive karma dudes. that's all we can do.
  14. yeah I've seen him twice, and both times were excellent. saw him in '99, just him, when he was out promoting the Unkle album. was a straight up hip hop set, with some of his tracks re-mixed. then saw him on the Shadowsphere tour in 2010. that spinning dome/orb thing with video integration was awesome. very high energy set.
  15. cool. will give it a shot. not holding out much hope tho. last thing he put out I was a fan of was the Diminishing Returns mix...which was 2003. just about everything he did before that was gold. I know he's been discussed on here from time to time over the years. one of those artists that starts strong, then loses their way. the fact that he can't 100% sample anymore like he did in the early years is a big piece of his decline IMO. Cut Chemist said it in that Scratch doc about Shadow having a spidey sense for sampling. that is his talent. once he got popular around Private Press time, he wasn't able to clear samples anymore, because those obscure artists all wanted a much bigger piece of the $. his later output is mostly him making his own beats/samples with rando guest vocalists, and the result was pretty mediocre.
  16. haha. the data analytic goblins care about it tho! y'know the nameless/faceless "them" out there, who are carefully gathering insights as to all our meme loving shenanigans. and who is this "Invision community" any way? sounds like some sorta transcendental cult.
  17. serious question here - what new features? I can't tell any. are all the icons sorta softer looking now? the shade of grey is a little different perhaps?
  18. SHOULD be a wake up call. should. but will it? I have my doubts. lawyers gonna lawyer their way out of it. ethical behavior has taken a back seat for the time being in modern society, and lawyers are the cause of so much of it. the legal system is deeply flawed. the truth doesn't really matter to lawyers, nor does it seem to matter to millions of people. the elected leaders in government are fine with this as well. the supreme court? ha! a big joke. what are people really thinking will happen here? donnie goes to jail? my guess is everyone around him gets punished, but he wriggles his way out again. hey most of us with reasonable heads on our shoulders know what SHOULD happen (donnie goes bye bye permanently). but the crazy train of insanity keeps on chugging along through the heartland, pulling us all closer to the election year 2024...where this out in the open lying cheating con man, facing down a slew of very serious criminal charges, is going to try and get his happy ass re-elected. and he actually has a shot! people still are falling for the con! this is not normal behavior. humanity has a problem. an alien invasion right about now might help.
  19. create an LLC to hide behind is the 1st thing anyone should reasonably do. do not announce you won. if other people you're friends with know you won the lottery, you're fucked. other people are the reason winning the lottery would ruin the experience. those fuckers come out and will wanna grab on to any $ they can get. people are predictable. greedy. sadly this is how it is. you win the lottery, and your life is fucked hahaha
  20. what? have Behringer lost their minds? are they finally going to release one of these mini synths they have been teasing out for like 3 years now? https://www.gearnews.com/behringer-pro-vs-mini-finally-breaks-cover/ it's listed at sweetwater...but with no release date yet lol https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BehrProVS--behringer-pro-vs-mini-hybrid-vector-synthesizer could be some next level trolling if it never comes out haha. oh well whatever. for $99 I'll buy it...someday
  21. lol totally. like what species decides to go ahead and extinct itself. kinda goes against the grain of survival. I lump a human extinction movement in with doomsday cults. I know we're just spit balling here, but how? my take is that this will require a massive cognitive shift of large swaths of the American population, to swing from selfishness to selflessness...and we all know that the egomaniacal selfie selfish culture is only getting worse. we're talking about trying to change a culture that has baked into itself all those big macs / guns / gas guzzling trucks, and they cling to that shit because I don't really have any idea...religion? they were raised that way? idk man. I gave up trying to psychoanalyze the stereotypical 'merican because it can easily go down a path of total nonsense. the trumpism thing has really brought out in the open that some people will resist change no matter what factual evidence is provided... also trying to get the majority of Americans (or I suppose any country really) to care more about environmental concerns when the big corporations are the worst offenders, just leads to more of a whataboutism thing, like what about all those mega rich O&G companies that will cover up any wrongdoings so they can keep on raking it in. why should I make any lifestyle changes if THEY don't. which leads me to believe that there really isn't anything we can do to stop what is happening to the planet. not saying that what's going on is right, but it is happening exactly as it is for a reason. karmic swings, or somethin. we are given the gift of being able to look back at our history and see more or less how we got to this point, and still, we aren't able to stop whatever negative thing is coming. cycles. we see how in nature things live, die, and are reborn. the planet will right itself, I have no doubt. again, I don't want massive amounts of people to be wiped out due to heat/floods/take your pick, but if that is what it takes to rally round the planetary flag, and pushes the global population toward a more eco-friendly existence, then so be it. I sometimes think that we should all be getting survival training, be taught how to live off the land, and not in front of a screen. back in the olden days that shit was taught by the elders. now we're too many generations removed from that. and so we will just continue on exactly as things are going, will collectively find out what will happen next, because this is the only way...
  22. these duders think we need to quit having sex, quit making babies, and/or quite possibly seppuku our asses from the planet: The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (geocities flashbacks lol) Phasing out the human species by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense. wonder if at their meetings they're like soooooooo..... who's going first????
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