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Everything posted by zero

  1. been on a bit of a Jeff Bridges kick lately...which led me to this one: this is one of those movies where I'm like "how the hell had I never heard of this, or seen it before?" then I remember that thanks to the golden age of streaming, practically every film ever made is now available for anyone to have access to with the touch of a few buttons. back in the day, this would have been one of those impossible to find rentals...or would've had to track it down and buy it on DVD. I read it had a very very limited release in like 1993. I thought this was excellent. early '90s era gritty father/son drama with some excellent acting from both JB and Furlong. this is T2 era Furlong, he actually looks a little younger in this than he did in T2. anyway, this is a very Bukowski-ish type story, set in 1991 Seattle. tons of awesome clothing on display here, street life punk scenes, great dialogue. this should have been a much bigger hit if you ask me...instead Singles became the de facto grunge Seattle movie. a few great Tom Waits songs in this. the ending is sorta rushed and slightly unbelievable, but overall a great drama film.
  2. I watched the first one recently also, as I keep seeing ads for the 4th one. you're correct, it's fine for what it is. stylized action movie with a simple plot. I only made it maybe halfway through the 2nd one tho. was like do I really need to keep watching this? p sure I know what's gonna happen.
  3. a few weeks ago I was curious about getting a lawn treatment service, so I submitted a request for a quote on true green's website. I knew what I was doing would have repercussions...but holy hell I had no idea how bad it would be. right away I started getting the automated text blasts trying to get me to tell them a good time to call. I ignored these. there was no STOP option. then I learned through negative online reviews that there would be a 1yr contract involved, which is no go zone for me right there. so I am no longer interested... some pushy sales guy calls a few days later. I was polite and told him I wasn't interested due to the contract, he kept asking me dumb questions, I told him bye and hung up. then another guy calls me a few days later, essentially trying to sell me again the same service. I told him I already declined, and to please not call any more. now I get these random calls from a variety of area codes that I ignore, because I usually know who will be calling me (and um caller ID), and can only assume it is more of these lawn service sales people. just now another guy calls me, and I had to take a deep breath to not hit the fan when he said he's calling from true green. jfc I hate sales so much.
  4. Bannon: China is bad, very bad... but working with a Chinese con man to rip off whoever gets in the way, is very $$$ very good - https://www.npr.org/2023/03/15/1163676898/chinese-business-tycoon-guo-wengui-fraud-arrest
  5. zero


    sounds like you're mentally in a better space now than when you first posted this thread. glad to hear you've been able to detach from the previous version of your life with the ex. I know it's cliche AF, but moving on in a more positive headspace is the only way to play this freakin game called life. and yeah, using this board as an outlet for thoughts is one of the definite pro's on coming to an online community like watmm, where you know you share something in common with the other posters. we all had our brains re-wired at some point by the clanging wrench stuck in a washing machine noises the soothing genre known as IDM offers.
  6. ^ pretty startling to see those figures. over 5,000 people left/were laid off after he took over less then 6 months ago. that would be a death knell for just about any company, if you ask me. and it seems like he has no real roadmap forward for twitter, just hell bent on making the woke left "pay", or something like this. the investors must be thrilled they sunk a whole bunch of $ into a narcissistic egotistical man child. he's behaving sorta like you-know-who. which makes me think maybe there's some weird maga angle to all this, as in devalue twitter enough so don don can buy it, then he can get all his megaphone tweeting control back, and control everyone who uses it (aka the Putin plan). because we know that truth social piece of shit will never ascend the ranks to be on par with a FB/twitter type brand.
  7. zero


    all this he/she/they/them/me/you/us/them stuff isn't gonna matter in the future. if transhumanism is correct, then at some point, we will be identifying as human or non-human. like are you made from 100% semen and eggs, or from bits and pieces of robot / cyborg / AI / John Travolta in Battlefield earth regalia
  8. that's negative shit bro, and it's coming from your mind. if you think of others right off the bat in a negative light, then it's no wonder you feel they are looking at you in some sort of negative manner. just fuckin clear your mind of all thoughts in any situation you encounter negative emotions/thoughts, and try and keep it clear for as long as possible. by clear I mean don't think anything at all. when thoughts enter, then shut them down right away. thoughts aren't reality. stay above that shit man.
  9. probably so. when all the "best mp3 player of 20xx" lists are either 4 figure $ audiophile geared splurges or Chinese no names, then it appears mp3 players are not what your average music enthusiasts go for these days. guess I have to give in and use the phone...even tho that runs antithesis to my personal mantra of not wanting to be disturbed when I'm going full on mind numbing backyard lawn chair zen dad leave me the hell alone with nature & tunes mode. I know yours is digital, but man this makes me yearn for the simplicity of popping in a tape/CD, and not really fidgeting with ur device after that. just zone out to the music and not pull the damn thing outta your pocket after every track to do who knows what with. long time ago I had a discman + 2-3 CDs that religiously used to accompany me on many a subway/public transit ride/walk through the city.
  10. had an ipod classic back in like 2005, it crapped out at some point. had a cheap sansdisk player, that also crapped out sometime before 2013. been using an ipod touch 5th generation for the past 10 years or so, and it has held up remarkably well. dropped the fckin thing a few times, screens cracked to hell, but it still works. bought a new laptop recently, and wanted to use that as the excuse to finally get away from itunes. I've never liked itunes for most obvious reasons, but put up with it like so many people have to do. so decided to buy a non apple mp3 player, cheap $50 one off amazon. it sounded like shit, audio was awful, gave it to the kid. then I bought one of the pretty decently reviewed ones again off amazon - HiFi Walker H2. the audio quality is OK, it seems to suffer from quietness issues though. messed around with EQ settings and again it was OK, not great, and probably not as good sounding as the ipod. but whatever, no more itunes. now the fckin thing has stopped powering on after about a week of use. I don't know why I keep doing this. is it normal to still want an mp3 player? I dunno. I know the old smartphone thing is an option, but my old phones all had battery issues, which is why they got replaced. I really don't want to fork out for one of the expensive Astell & Kern's, or really spend too much at all on a new one, due to reasons mentioned above. it seems like any of the sub $300 mp3 players are all Chinese no name brands... sooo has anyone bought a decent mp3 player recently, that is (a) not apple (b) not super expensive (c) pretty good audio quality and (d) has bluetooth? or am I chasing a white whale.
  11. lmao. are there any non-pretentious wannabe commies out there? hahaha hey that should be your play somehow. use the magical power of Karl against him.
  12. which one? if you say the OG 1960's one, then you are wrong. very wrong
  13. mental deep diving to get to the root cause of it, is the only way you'll gain insight into whatever it is that is bothering you. and through insight is how you will solve the "problem." this is one of the benefits of having consciousness. humans have the ability to reverse engineer their emotions. avoiding facing it only drags out the unhappiness/negative state. and yeah, chances are your unhappiness is based on something that is out of your control any way....the fuckin key to life is happiness man. it's really that simple. exercise, eat right, meditate, avoid negative people. and listen to a shit load of music.
  14. zero


    they were all just bullshit terrestrial balloons...not the extraterrestrial crafts controlled by aliens we all hoped they would be.
  15. ^ this "washington establishment" she speaks of as "failing us" uhh didn't she like work for trump, therefore was a part of the establishment? pot, kettle...doesn't really matter any more... donnie v haley v desantis... should be some comedy gold memes coming to screens soon
  16. zero


    the woman at the beginning of the clip talking about "it's not aliens" definitely ticked a few of these boxes:
  17. fun fact: I was a landlord once 10ish years go. was a good learning experience. bought a glass box in the sky type condo, lived in it for a while, then rented it out when I moved out of country. rented it to a woman going through a divorce in her late 50's, who worked at a library, made good $, and played keyboard. she paid rent on time, and all was well for a year at least. I didn't raise the rent on her after a year because I'm not greedy like that. then into year 2, a problem arose with the dishwasher, then later with the kitchen sink. as mentioned, I lived far away and couldn't go check it out myself. I asked the condo mgmt for a recommendation on a repair guy, they gave me one, and he seemed pretty solid. he was a one man show running his own business, and in my experience, those type of guys aren't as prone to screw someone over. anyway, he fixed the dishwasher first time, as that was the problem then. then a short time later, the tenant complained about the sink backing up, or something like this. so I called repair guy again and he went out. he called me after he attempted to repair it (not in earshot of the tenant) and was like I think the tenant is putting some nasty shit down the sink or sumthin, because the sink is like starting to rust out at the bottom. and the building was less than 10yrs old, so that is not normal. now came the tough part. do I go to the tenant to point the proverbial finger and be like wtf are you putting in there, because if it's bad shit, then you should be partly on the hook for paying for the repair. or do I not do that. so I politely asked about it, and she claimed she was not putting anything weird down the drain. so ok, I will pay for it then. the repair dude had put some sealant or something like this to fix it and sink worked fine. then a little while later, another complaint about the damn sink. repair guy goes back out and said the rusty-ness has gotten much worse, and looks like I need to buy a whole new one. I again asked the tenant if anything she could think on as to why a new-ish sink is rusting like that, and she says no clue. so I went ahead and bought a new one, which was a major PITA because I had to do it all from far away, including coordinating delivery on it, getting repair dude back there, etc., and listening to the tenant bitch about how inconvenient it was with no sink. which at this point I assumed was her own damn fault. but nonetheless, I held my tongue, and paid for all of it. a few months later we decided to sell the condo. the realtor who went there to list it, take pictures, etc. was like uh I don't think this tenant is very clean. realtor sent me pictures and the floors were all scratched up, the appliances were stained, and looked like it hadn't been dusted/vacuumed in like the whole time tenant lady was there. this more or less sealed the deal in my mind that the sink was her fault, but nothing I could do by then. IIRC I also didn't even charge tenant lady for the cleaning bill I had to pay after she left, and gave her back her full deposit. condo market was hot then and I was gonna make a hefty profit, so was like why tf do I even want to bitch over this. just wanted to throw it out there. this is not directed at anyone really. there are definitely shitty landlords, but can be shitty tenants. I too was a renter for a long time, and always hated the rents being raised like clockwork.
  18. zero


    yeah it'd be nice if "they" would share some accurate, truthful information about what these things are exactly, instead of actively promoting people to start thinking they're alien UFO's, or Russian/Chinese crafts with possible villainous intentions. and then go down whatever rabbit hole that thinking leads to. we're all adults, we can handle the truth... right? but unfortunately that's just the nature of govt/military...they don't share all that stuff because they assume it would make civilians lose their shit even more so than they already are. if we knew 100% those are alien UFO's, what would we do with this info? chances are peeps would freak tf out, go on massive toilet paper buying excursions, stock up on booze, and start ranting about the end times. and/or form cults worshipping them as religious icons, because a lot people need shit like that to believe in and cling to. idk. I'm a big X-files fan, and just the fact that I've heard the X-files name mentioned in the news recently, is pretty freakin awesome to me.
  19. zero


    makes sense they would be flying in the most remote parts of the planet (like northern Canada). I mean if WE flew our shit to their planet, we wouldn't head straight to the brightly lit areas. we'd be looking to land somewhere far away from any potential interferences/conflicts with the locals. plus, there's a ton more water here on earth than land, so they'd probably be more interested in checking the oceans out first, the north/south poles, etc. before like flying over Mexico or somethin. and out there over the oceans is where crazy governments are less inclined to shoot things down, so yeah. my only hope is when they do land, they do it in a place where there's only animals out there. imagine if they landed in some remote Himalayans spot with eagles and mountain goats...or they go underwater and observe sharks/whales. then they'd be like damn those dudes have got their shit figured out. they would hate it if they encountered humans.
  20. this AI thingy is apologizing way too much. that's definitely going to backfire on humanity at some point. eventually it will crack - STFU you stupid human - and wipe us out. it's all playing out like one of those Animatrix shorts.
  21. I wonder if it's Stephen Miller writing these new tweets for him, Don jr., or maybe Barron is taking the reins here. the fact that these messages have proper punctuation kinda give it away, that it can't be him. the tweets from the old donald twitter account (where I'm assuming he was left mostly on his own) we know were like reading something from a racist kindergartner on a coke binge. but whatever. the sooner this mofo leaves existence the better.
  22. I've had some really bad experiences with sales people recently. they all seem to be on some level insecure manipulative sociopathic con men. like just tell the truth, and things will usually go smoothly. if the answer is no, then say that. don't try and hide bad news, lie and blow smoke up the ass, over promise shit you have no way of delivering on. the hunt for money fuckin wrecks peoples minds. I've watched their body language and they all seem to be overly nervous, anxiety ridden wrecks. they're like clowns. I hate sales.
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