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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Yeah, same here.....if there are download codes with the physical product, anyone who wants them get in touch.
  2. I'm not going to listen to any of this until I have the records in my hands.
  3. I am waiting until the end of the month myself. I don’t want to assume that this is definitely the process that Warp are going forward with, but for a project of this scale (12 LPs as one box-set or four separate 3xLP sets) it would be a wise decision to take pre-orders first in order to better determine how many copies should be pressed, and then go forward with the pressing of the records/CDs and the manufacturing of the sleeves/packaging. I wouldn’t build up too much FOMO, as I am sure that all who want it will be able to secure a copy. This is exactly how the did the Warp20 box set - put it up for preorder and publicly said that they were manufacturing them based on demand. In the end, there were 5000 pressings made.
  4. Could give you vibration white finger
  5. most definitely not fucking with anyone. how about a link then Wait, so that cat scraps image isn't clickable for you? Works for me....
  6. slight exaggeration there, two updates a week
  7. I have things to say, but I'm in Manchester, attending a film photography meetup. I shall return. I will however say that this is powerful as all fucking concrete.
  8. still waiting for you to admit you were a negative nancy-twat... Despite you quoting me way out of context (David Lynch had essentially left the production at the time of my comments), yes I was wrong. I didn't think the end of Season 2 could be bettered, but the last episode of Season 3 is great.
  9. Suffocate Peon - I'm sorry for my poor choice of word with 'barrage'. I never meant any negative connotation, quite the contrary actually. It really disheartens me to read that you have been getting shit from internet expert pro photographers who seem to like to spend most of their time spouting negativity in online forums rather than getting out there to shoot. Everyone who has posted in this thread has a great eye, and I mean everyone. I know I've said it before, but I am always excited when I see that this thread has been bumped, looking forward to seeing what everyone has made. From very early on in this thread, your photos stood out to me above all others, and that is still the case to this day. Seeing your photos were a massive inspiration for me to step up from just shooting with my mobile phone, to getting something semi-serious. Your work is full of atmosphere and mood, and it has a rawness and grit to it that really speaks to me. Your photos are also amongst the most beautiful B&W work I've seen yet. Personally, I've mostly stopped posting my work to Flickr (apart from the music gig photography I shoot, for ease of sharing with the congregation of Emotion Wave here in Liverpool). I frequent a few photography IRC channels, and I very quickly got sick and tired of comments which I'm sure you're used to seeing from other internet experts - "You've overexposed the highlights." "Why are you shooting at ISO 12800?" "Why is there so much grain?" "The colours aren't true to life." etc etc etc. I shoot the way I shoot because that's the way I shoot. I develop my files the way I do, because that's the way I like em. Anyone who has anything to say to me about my work, if they don't like it they can get fucked. I recently went to a local Photographic Society in my hometown. I was disappointed to find that it was full of middle-aged men who do nothing more than take what I personally consider to be very boring (but likely technically correct) photos of birds, aeroplanes, etc. All centre frame. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with shooting like that. If that's what people like, let them do it. I'm not going to wax lyrical to them about the many reasons why I don't like that stuff. Negativity always affects creative people. Please don't let their bullshit dissuade you from creating more beautiful photography.
  10. A mixture of analog shots (taken with B&W, blue duochrome, and yellow duochrome Polaroid films) and digital shots.
  11. Another amazing barrage of photos from Suffocate Peon
  12. I really want a Tommy Wiseau edit of Blade Runner 2049
  13. Thanks man! it was a meeting of a few film photography enthusiasts, drinks and gear. Lots of beverage and camera stuff. Was a good night, they're a great bunch.
  14. i've seen it, makes sense, but lynch isn't supposed to make sense so, there you go, lol wat really blows my mind is that DL ripped adventure time... Lynch - The Lich - BOB - mushroom war - atomic bomb... Something tells me you're not familiar with Lynch's previous work / themes...
  15. In which episode does James explores this basement? edit: ah ok episode 14... it's the same basement where coop opens the final with the 315 room key door into the black lodge yeah? You guys are grasping for straws. The only reason they out BOB in that basement looking room was because of the alternative ending to the pilot. you're right squee, the basement of the alternate ending is in the hospital and this basement where james hears the humming is in The Great Northern hotel... Yeah but what brand of cartridge does Leland prefer on his turntable? audio technica of course... what enlightened questions should i be asking lord oscllick??? Wrong, he uses an Ortofon cart.
  16. In which episode does James explores this basement? edit: ah ok episode 14... it's the same basement where coop opens the final with the 315 room key door into the black lodge yeah? You guys are grasping for straws. The only reason they put BOB in that basement looking room was because of the alternative ending to the pilot. you're right squee, the basement of the alternate ending is in the hospital and this basement where james hears the humming is in The Great Northern hotel... Yeah but what brand of cartridge does Leland prefer on his turntable?
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