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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. Cottage Industries 3 - Vestibule & Separate - available for £2 for a limited time. Highly recommended. Cottage Industries 4 - Meadow's been available since May. Again, highly recommended - £5 ain't that much. Only #5 - Diaspora is still missing.
  2. Sarotti is one of my all-time favourite tracks, I've started plenty of techno sets with it and it just never gets old. Sun Electric is also highly recommended to any and all.
  3. Beautiful ambient paintings by Troberg. Recommended.
  4. Out now, and it's bloody brilliant. Highly recommended.
  5. Thanks, I hate it. It's always a difficult decision to drop support for artists based on their personal beliefs and views on issues outside their art, especially when the art does not represent or expound the views - but that quote's reactionary, regressive and awful.
  6. Can't stalk FB as I'm not on that (or any other) virtual Soylent Green producing so-called social networks, please post screencaps of relevant bits so I can go scrub my epidermis until it bleeds.
  7. Sophomore full album from GLOK, the electronic music alias of Ride's Andy Bell. Full release in September. Recommended.
  8. Renegade Soundwave: Soundclash (Mute) Renegade Soundwave: In Dub (Mute) Renegade Soundwave: Howyoudoin? (Mute) Renegade Soundwave: The Next Chapter Of Dub (Mute) Renegade Soundwave: RSW 1987-1995 (Mute) V/A: The Sound Of Warhammer 40,000 Chapters I-III (3 CDs, Art of Perception) V/A: Get Lost (Multiplex) Cherry Bomb: Electronics For Dogs (Freedag Nuveux) MLO: 01 Hour 01 Minute 01 Second (ITP Recordings) I've had all the Renegade Soundwave albums (and plenty of 12"s) on vinyl for yonks, it was time to get them in digital and buying the CDs and ripping them was a cheaper option to buying the files directly. RSW FTW - I'm still jonesing for this, but even I'm not that completeness obsessed.
  9. It was supposed to be self-deprecatingly humorous, so I think I nailed it - but as I've expounded elsewhere, my attempts mostly fail because subtle irony and sarcasm are such high-brow modes of humour that without explicit use of emoji they escape most people - myself included.
  10. That's an "OK boomer" thought-terminating cliché closer of any musical discussion. Thank you, I aim to please.
  11. Although Finlow's always been a top shelf producer, there's a very definite stylistic and sound progression from his early works to today, so I'd recommend a chronological approach - but that's quite tedious as there's a lot to trawl through. I've always loved the Silicon Scally albums the most, so check out Mr. Machine, Dark Matter, and Bioroid; Voice Stealer's The All Electric House is a crossover classic; under his own name, the Electrilogy+ compilation is a good place to start. All the CPU releases are absolutely essential from recent years. You'll get a good cross section by going through what he has on his Bandcamp from bottom to top.
  12. You could start by trawling through my posts in New & Upcoming Releases - but that's just a fragment because WATMM is, after all, primarily an electronic music forum. You could also rummage around in my Discogs collection, but that's only what I have as physical releases and is thus only a slice of what I actually like. Then you can check out my DJ sets and mixes (and likes/reposts - and even some of my own, very old tracks) on Soundcloud, but that's only what I've played at gigs and at home. Nevertheless, these three will most probably give you a partial answer.
  13. Footwork/juke in general; I also dump hyperpop in the same (hyper)irritant category, I would rather listen to looped blackboard chalk screech.
  14. This is exactly the kind of nervous-tic-and-cringe-inducing irritation I stay explicitly away from, most probably due to aging. I'm getting too old for this proverbial shit. I also tried not to comment, but I had to give up because this irritates me even when I no longer hear it.
  15. (Yeah, that's me. Apologies for the flex.)
  16. Extensive 41 track compilation from Color Squad, featuring artists known and unknown. PWYW, recommended.
  17. Autechre. Plaid. Beaumont Hannant. B12. Carl Finlow. (Off-by-one error: Bola.)
  18. Jose Pouj, better known for producing pummeling & punishing techno, releases a more experimental and melodic EP on his own label. Quite interesting, comparable to Oscar Mulero's more IDMish outings. Recommended.
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