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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by WurstPLUS

  1. OMG I'm old - I'm a Stakker/Humanoid contemporary witness. What's next then? Altern8 - Evapor8 pls Or some good ole Baby Ford Ae revival. Want it to be good. Sophie Bipp was hands down shite.
  2. It's not about a meal. I found out - it's about sex. ES GIBT REIS; GUYS!
  3. Got that Squadron CD. It's also totally worth it for Lexaunculpt - Tell me you love me. I'm currently ripping my Samplers to flac. Like Pioneers of the Hypnotic Groove series, AI 1+2, WAP100, Routine, etc etc. Ahh, totally forgot about this sweety of Lassi:
  4. Signed. Have it on repeat. Great track, a gem. The beats are really nice. Of his latest tracks, 2second interval (Stop Look Listen comes to mind) and 2021 are great. 2021 is an ambient track. Besides Detroit People Mover my fav. ambient track of the year. Reaaaaaly.... aawwwwww.... Medusa - yeah. All on Bandcamp. Thing is, his tracks have the necessary magic to become growers.
  5. Plasticity (especially first and last track) and International Language. And Sweet Exorcist. RIP
  6. Checked tracks. To be fair, there wasn't much stereo width going on in the originals - except in Smedleys and Kodack. Which they preserved in the remaster. In the remaster, beside Tundra, they also made UFOs totally mono. Windscale 2 in the remaster is more mono-ish, but it is mostly shifted to right speaker (on the bass guitar parts). Got worse IMO.
  7. Windscale 2 mediocre performance?! WATMM weirdos.
  8. Amnesiac > Kid A. I will always love it. Thom singing on Ae pls. Totally looking forward to The Smile. Johnny Greenwood guitar play on Thin Thing is awesome. Ae is old peoples music. As is RH/Thom. I'm a dinosaur myself (49).
  9. I hope they will make (decent music + 17% greatness).
  10. Really, they did? I mean Surripere alone made it an album of the year.
  11. Listened to them, sporadically, but there's nothing new for me here. What I remember is, one guy says something, then the other one typically: "Yeeeeeeeeah, <blah>".
  12. Definitely some erectional thing going on here.
  13. No problem @ Bandcamp flacs. Historically there's always this japanese bonus thing going, I forgot why, but it sucks for sure. #germanbonusstuffnao #youllloveit
  14. Listened to it, more or less running in the background. The relation to dance art already made me sceptical. Now I think I listened to a big drone. So, initial impression is disappointment. Will give it further tries though.
  15. "Mord mit Aussicht". It's on Netflix. Cop from big city (Cologne) now somewhere out in the countryside (Hessen). It's depicting village societies and clichees in a funny way. Germans being Germans. I love that kind of stuff. Related is "Neues aus Büttenwarder". It's about our northerners. Even if exaggerated, in that kind of shows you learn a lot about local societies.
  16. WurstPLUS


    German Shephard. Mine is a street dog, ie, mixture most likely, but veeery much looks like a GS, except his ears aren't straight up. I learnt that Germans pretty much discriminate GS. Even in the group of my dogs best buddies, if we approach an unknown GS, people said "ACHTUNG Schäferhund!" - Other situation: male adult GS gets into trouble with another male dog... which is quite normal... people say "German Shephard shines through". Ears not straight up is an advantage, makes dog more look like a puppy, people will not so often be in fear and behave more naturally, which is important. My prior dog was a Sarplaninac, awesome dog. I personally dislike dogs of rat size. Too fragile, terrible voice.
  17. It is released. Bought it of Bandcamp, yet have to listen.
  18. https://www.musicomh.com/features/interviews/murcof-fernando-corona-alias-sessions-interview
  19. 4:30 Before the storm, then all the Squarepusher meat coming...
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