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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. Zeff, thought of moving to China? Why don't you just go live there?
  2. OK, I need to make a disclaimer here: I'm not a fan either. It just makes me happy. Two diff things. Very diff! ^^^ And Wham! and Stevie Wonder are also very good at the happy department.
  3. And a majority of the people simply don't trust the people on the other side of the isle. When things get political, all reason flies out of the window. There's nothing new in people voting against their best interests, right? I might be growing cynical, but I simply stopped believing in the power of education nowadays. Reasonable people are quick to follow unreasonable things. Have we lost the ability to think logically, like brian says? Perhaps. But I've seen a lot of people using logic ending up at complete fringes of thinking. As far as I'm concerned, it might be more about a lack of wisdom, as opposed to logic. And this lack of wisdom comes from the lack of variation in the experiences people have. They simply lack all the experience of dealing with all kinds of perspectives, because they spend too much time in digital space as opposed to the real world. Dealing with people in the real world is completely different than talking to some online picture. And worse, the digital space is being divided into separated corners of group-think. It enhances radicalised ideas. The algorithms push people towards the fringes. Be it up or down, or left or right. I don't believe people can reason themselves out of this, without actually having experienced the variety in the first place. I'm not saying you're wrong, or anything. It's just that I'm a bit more sceptical we can dig ourselves out of the current hole without addressing the influence of social media.
  4. And they are even more difficult to address as long as a huge part of the electorate distrust the government. There's a feedback loop. What the government want is a reflection of what the people want. You can't solve those root causes if there's no stable and well founded political platform to build policies on.
  5. I simply disagree. Even educated people are drawn to these fringes nowadays. Like physicians promoting hydrochloroquine as a treatment for COVID, or distrusting vaccins. People can be made to believe obvious lies regardless of education. People don't just rationalise themselves out of misinformation. Also look at religion.
  6. I ate my AFX chocolate bitcoins years ago. Please don't tell me I could be a millionaire by now, if I didn't eat them!
  7. The algorithms make sure people are drawn into and kept inside some fake reality. Regardless of some agenda. People are spoon-fed disinformation like it's crack. You can improve all those "root causes", but that won't change the fact huge numbers of people spend their time in some walled garden of disinformation. And generally distrust anything outside it. As far as I'm concerned, it's fair to add this to the list of root causes. Even if it's also fair to argue the politicians themselves fuel these disinformation gardens. The algorithms make sure to keep the people inside though. Perhaps the argument is similar to arguing the industry is partly to blame for the obesity pandemic by pushing food with lots of sugar. There's a lot more going on to explain this pandemic, but that doesn't mean the industry isn't part of the root cause, imo.
  8. Not sure how strong that argument is... Or rather, pretty sure it's bee-eesss ;D
  9. Can I ask you a question? Out of pure curiosity. Have you ever been to one of those summer festivals where you can buy different kinds of tickets with different kinds of access to whatever is happening at said festival? If you've ever been at one of those, odds are you got some kind of bracelet with some bright color which you were forced to show to gain access to certain areas. If you have, did you tell the people organising the festival they're a bunch of racist nazis as well? If you haven't, please move on and rethink your sins.
  10. How about environmental detachment and connection to material waste. It's just more plastic junk. Can't help but thinking a lot of them would consider them environmentally conscious anyways. Human silliness. Add some NFT/bitcoin and the story is complete.
  11. NFT's are for clueless guys what QAnon is for clueless moms. Just present people some half baked story about saving the planet. This time using a mixture of technology and economy, instead of stolen kids. It's mind crack for youngsters who appear to just fall for that shit, it appears.
  12. The thing about spending time on the internet, is that you get to meet other people who also spend time on the internet. In the meantime though, the people who learn to have real life relationships tend to spend their time on actual relationships. Real life relationships. Not those fake ones on the internet. If you want to be good at relationships, you should stop taking cues from people you met on the internet. The internet is a huge pile of narcissistic shit. That's an exaggeration perhaps. But a lot of it is. Not all of it. It really is that simple though. I think it is, at least.
  13. Aha. It's a pyramid scheme. But one with a good heart. Let's call it benevolent capitalism. And hope it wont be the next atom bomb.
  14. My dad has a huge stamp collection. Spent his life collecting those rare one time stamps. Completely worthless nowadays. This shit reminds me of that. It's hard to take people seriously going for this. It really is. I admire the enthusiasm though.
  15. They're set to private now in your collection. You've bought them, so even if the seller/producer decides to retract those tracks, they're still yours. The downloads are yours to keep, so to speak. That's a huge chuck of his back catalogue, btw. Must restrain myself to not buy them again. It's pretty sick, but nowadays, I can't even be arsed to get the originals out and do a proper rip. I'd rather throw some money at it and have them available somewhere in the cloud. Takes up less space. ?
  16. It was good while it lasted. I wouldn't be surprised if Radiohead won't release another album as well, btw. Times change ? (Tangent: I was wondering what was going on with them only yesterday and noticed the "news" they would take a one year sabbatical. This was a year ago. So, what are the odds they're done as well...)
  17. Stopped reading after this. You don't deserve a new album! Try again. ?
  18. Was hoping for a new album. But "the 3 cycles of life" is more a Jeff Mills kind of title. The spiritual angle is completely un-afx. So yeah, back to praying to Lord AFX and hoping for a new album, I guess.
  19. I wonder what Joe Rogan thinks of Texas now. Wasn't he critical about California/LA and preferred the Texas way of governing society? Hope our fellow Texans are alright though. As if the corona pandemic wasn't enough already. Geez..
  20. I'm afraid I'm being terribly inappropriate here, but I really thought this was about some inappropriate comments on preferring black vinyl over coloured pressings. Those other colours often just tend to crackle more than the good ol' black ones. It's better to have a couple of black slabs on the wheels of steel while slaving away, mixing records. /self-cancelled Seriously though, reading that article at RA I'm surprised by Chaudhuri's logic here. He was devastated he lost his job even though it was painfully clear he and Vandepapeliere were on completely different frequencies. He should have realised he couldn't work for Renate and left early on. Instead he's devastated he lost his job. Not sure in what reality he's living. Instead, he puts himself on a huge white horse, saying he was saving the label and "trying to get him to do the right thing". He was the f-ing founder of the label and wasn't having any of it. That's when you leave. Even if you may be right. This quote alone makes me sympathise with Renate more than with Chaudhuri, tbh. Should art also be forced to be politically correct now? Come on. Renate could be the biggest d*ck, for all I know. But that's not an excuse to just move in there and taking over business.
  21. I'm sorry, but if consumers believe their products work, they simply earn more $$$. The placebo effect, for instance, is a well researched effect. Or in other words, consumer confidence is key. And these guys bloody well know it. I'm not here arguing the pharmaceutical industry are angels. But generally speaking, they're not doing business like some proverbial Trump. That's simply not a viable business model in a heavily regulated field as medicine. I'm not denying there's a strong commercial/economic bias in the industry, because there simply is. But that doesn't mean they don't have "skin in the game" when there are currently exceptions being made when it comes to legal liabilities.
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