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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Is it a health problem to hate the youth?
  2. Hahah, yes! In general, the acting was piss poor. Willem Dafoe was great as always, but it seemed like everyone had just come out of theater school and did their damnedest to get their emotions across so even the people in the back knew what feelings they were trying to convey. And then the shoulders went up again.
  3. His smile was beyond manic. He went from 0 to 100 in a split second every 5 seconds.
  4. The Northman Started out pretty good and then Madam Tussauds’ Nicole Kidman showed up. 2,5/5
  5. I've got so much shit in my studio that I can't even fit in my new rear speakers. So now I'm looking at ceiling mounts. Probably should have thought of this before buying them. FFS.
  6. Amazing shitshow. Romania needs to bring back the circular piano.
  7. Stayed away from it. I don't want my extreme and unhealthy relationship to The Sopranos to be soiled by that movie.
  8. Easy there, tiger. Go chill out for a week.
  9. Hell yeah! I think I'm 36 too so we're in the same club
  10. Hey guys, $90. Digital vinyl. It's a steal. Made it in 5 minutes. Only 5 digital prints. And don't you dare download it without paying. echospaz.wav
  11. Oh hell yeah. I kinda love it though. I love shaving my head.
  12. Ok, gotta give it to The Batman. I did not even consider they had filmed a lot of this movie against LED screens. Looked so much better than the new Spider Man movie and its stupid studio lights.
  13. Very unpopular opinion, I know, but I am so sick and fucking tired of Tilda Swinton.
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