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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Licorice Pizza Fucking loved it. Nobody makes movies about nothing like PTA. muah!!!
  2. Squee


    I'm gonna merge this with the other dub thread ?
  3. Things are going ok. A lot of infected people but the vast majority only gets a mild cold and a soar throat. Also, the hospitals are doing ok because at the moment only 9 people in all of Denmark are in respirators. Currently there are about 1200 in the hospital but the majority of them are sent home within a day or two. I only know very few people who haven’t had it yet (myself included). The only one I know of who have been in any kind of danger was my father-in-law who has like a quarter of a kidney left and who also managed to get pneumonia at the same time. One of my good friends who eats up all the conspiracy theories he can get a hold of and who hasn’t been vaccinated has just tested positive and feels like sit. My schadenfreude is a 10/10.
  4. Those movies seem to be huge yet I don’t know anyone who has watched any of them. Are they some sort of tax evasion scam?
  5. Find someone to make music with. It's always easier to get motivated when more people are involved and you won't have to do the hard work which is coming up with ALL the ideas. Hell, do some jam sessions using Ableton Live's Link feature.
  6. Got my PCR test result and I'm clean even after having spent the evening with someone who turned out to be infected.
  7. Squee

    NOT pizza

    There are three syllables, mister! And that goes for the rest of you too!
  8. Squee

    NOT pizza

    Question time... the first time I heard an English speaking person say the word "shawarma" was on Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job and I didn't understand what they were talking about. They kept saying "shwarma". Is this how you guys pronounce it? Shwarma?
  9. Hm, that's unfortunate. But really, it honestly takes 6-7 hours before the game really "starts" and let's you play the game. It's a bit of a hurdle if you're not comlpetely in awe of what you've seen so far, but it's really, really, really, really-really good.
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