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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. i miss having a relationship more often than not these days tbh, also fear of being left on the shelf creeping in slowly but surely... gladly this thread delivers embitterment in spades, thanks watmm!
  2. aye, thanks for clarifying! very based of you! ?
  3. based? don't get it... guess it's back to school for me. anywhoo all i was trying to say is like "woah taking all this in will take me days, have mercy lol", still somewhat flabbergasted. -_-'
  4. honestly i had no idea about the apparently thoroughly negative connotation of "overkill", not a native speaker. i appreciate your contribution(s) to the thread and gave the first one that blue heart thingy accordingly, never thought things could be interpreted as serious critique. apologies.
  5. nah gee don't get me wrong: it's an awesome selection, just kinda overwhelming y'know, in a good sense. edit: and honestly the sentiment of me only caring about females (musician or otherwise) only on certain days... bit of a stretch innit?
  6. woah, overkill! reminds me...
  7. "my heart is something... everyone else's heart is something, too."
  8. Apparently LG from Entombed died yesterday, supposedly of cancer. 49... fucking hell. RIP. (What is it with Death Metal musicians and cancer tho, srsly?)
  9. jaderpansen

    confield art

    what's happening? not digging artwork=abuse now? did i miss something?
  10. think i need to self-check, where can i find the official gender swellness scale? link pls.
  11. yeah i mean y would anyone be afraid of women taking over n shit? did you ever armwrestle one? lemme tell ya they're really weak imo arm like spaghetti LOL.
  12. Exactly. As he quite famously described Marx(ism) in "The Order of Things": ‘(a) Storm … in a children’s paddling pool’. Why are we even discussing this Peterson person? ^
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