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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by exitonly

  1. dedicate time every day. i get up about 3 hours early and end up putting in a bout 2 hours of music time in the mornings. i end up feeling burnt out by EOD but that’s ok! it’s been way better for me than when i tried to stay up late because my energy was all zapped and i couldn’t focus. but yeah you could also try communal living somewhere cheap and try to avoid a job or setup some passive income with a web scam of some kind
  2. sure. i didnt think you thought that was happening, i was just saying i'm not worried about it happening. it would cost more in personpower to manage dealing in the market than it would bring in revenue. Also, companies like this need to show growth quarter over quarter. its not like they can buy the latest hot modules and hold on to them for 20 years to resell or something. i think the goal of this is to just encourage people to sell their things, so reverb can get a cut. like "look your synth is worth 1200 now and you paid 1000, time to sell!", then they make more money off increasing the number of transactions.
  3. zillow lost millions of dollars, bad press was the result, not the cause https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/02/business/zillow-q3-earnings-home-flipping-ibuying.html also, i think the price difference for a synth or something like that is going to be a couple hundred dollars in a few years at most. reverb would have to be hoarding gear at mass for long periods of time to make any money that way. that sounds like a crazy idea to try to do at scale vs just skimming a few bucks off of every transaction, which is a proven business model.
  4. i'm expecting four hours of generative karplus-strong noodles and just about halfway through they drop a straightforward 808 hip hop beat, just to let me know they're still true to their roots.
  5. joined in 2018 and this is the first post. suspicious. lurks 4 years and then dropped a bomb like this. basically everything we know is false. makes a pretty clear case for multiple timelines at this point. jeanbob? is that u?
  6. and it’s all a shitty breaking bad ripoff to start with. i think i made it two episodes into s2 before wondering why i was wasting my time
  7. i feel like a four tet remix would be dope
  8. I'm sure everyone got the same email but here it is https://bandcamp.com/about_live Just gotta get a boiler room going in my attic. Who wants to stand behind me and mope?
  9. yep. i still remember getting my copy of zen cuts from best buy in high school. some classic stuff in there… and some not so classic stuff lol
  10. my original copy is scratched. jealous. did you get this from a shop or discogs?
  11. https://funkiporcini.bandcamp.com/album/where-the-sauce-is-deluxe just skimming through it but has porcini vibes. i kinda miss triphop.
  12. this video explains it as clearly as possible-
  13. because the dissonance isn’t just in the fundamental frequency but in all of the harmonics in each note. obviously the lower harmonics are going to be louder
  14. How ae sounds: How people in this thread want it to sound:
  15. like anything else, it’s what you do with the material. there’s bits of hip hop tracks buried in autechre tracks. ached has sampled a good amount of stuff. 60% of squarepusher is the amen break. luke covert samples luke covert now as far as i can tell. if you can take something people know and put it in another context then that’s great. if you can make it unrecognizable that can be even better. but if you just take a sample and loop it and maybe put some drums on top… we’ll that’s lazy and doesn’t really add anything to the conversation.
  16. i was trolling’ a bit myself. definitely a thread making me question my life choices lol. anyway, all good here…. and im definitely not trying to say you or anyone else has to like ae’s entire catalog!
  17. im saying its stupid to come into a place and say "here is this thing i know. you dont know it but you should and if you dont i will consider you inferior until you do". Its inherently an oppressive way of interacting with another person. I know things you dont know. Im not here to tell you that you need to know them in order to go about your life.
  18. no matter what, we would be listening to different music from them. its weird to say that you like their tracks but they should also learn to do this thing that would cause them to write different tracks. they are writing what they want, how they want. i dont think they are secretly trying to reach perfect tonal hamonic resolutions in their music and just falling short. it would be a different thing. that thing might also be good, but not the same thing.
  19. pretty sure autechre did what they set out to do
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