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Everything posted by xxx

  1. This album is fucking amazing. "J&W/K&G Beat" were some of the best tracks ever committed to an EP and I went on to love "Vacuum Boogie"/assorted singles and EPs. However, he started losing me hard with the 16 minute kick drum n' vibraphone stuff. "Dad house" is too true for the past couple of albums. This ain't that--goddamn he went IDM/mentalism and it works. It's like Sam has been snoozin' and dreamin' for a spell and then woke the fuck up. In awe at the size of this lad.
  2. Can't stop watching these cats. This performance is a journey of ecstasy. I'm not sure how Mansur Brown plays that guitar so well with his fingers obviously soaked in pussy juice. He can get quite IDM in his tone in other performances; this one only a bit spacey
  3. I just realized that my phone's native music player has a "most played" feature and out of 128 GB of music on my SD card, "abundance" is number 1. I thought that it could be the case but it's still pretty unreal given how much music I have on my phone. I'm listening to it right now almost exactly a year later and this might be a hot take but it could be techno's Rosetta Stone. It lacks a 303 which really pokes a hole in my statement but it's just remarkable how in just 6:20, he sums up thousands of track hours and several decades of an entire aesthetic. Jesus as if he needs his dick sucked even more lol.
  4. Dear Gian, heyyyy old friend listen, my posts are deeply regrettable and boy was I testy! I forgot about how amenable your tracks are to looping so I took a Fall night drive with "Mavic 1" and "More Light" as the loops. With the moon that big and tracks that lush, I sorely regretted everything I had said. Italians do it better. Respectfully, xxx
  5. Biting my tongue here but yeah can't hold it...since it was only 8 bucks and change, I said "fuck it" and bought it whole but let's be real, it's probably a $2.75 album if you strip filler. I found myself upset while listening because as lush as he hits, there's a laziness to his tracks. "Mavic1" could really be something big but just letting it toggle between A and B for a couple of minutes...I dunno, simplicity is great but if you're gonna recycle your work ad absurdum, pick a few pearls and really develop them. I do like this album. I shouldn't pick so hard at it. Just lush choons.
  6. Future classic for me personally based on the stream. I know it's "limited palette" and a bit simple but goddamn is it effective for me.
  7. I don't know what is behind this but the more she brings it up e.g. "we're not having sex tonight!" or, in your case, "this is not romantic", the more likely it is you'll close the deal. The "we're not doing it!" woman still kept slamming every drink I bought her and I just joked about it like "of course we're not! I'm not that kind of girl". I later discovered a very nice matching underwear set with the freshest wax I've ever seen so what was all that hullabaloo? Can't talk about it too openly because it sounds like I'm advocating "just give it to her, they all want it". Not so. It's such a weird dance that I'm getting too tired to do. Best to dip and read the BoC subforum.
  8. "Chicago" is from the Phial EP. How I rinsed and rinsed that track after nabbing the EP from a pre-Napster FTP mine. It slaps 20 years on. Right, should have refreshed the edit ah well I got to jerk off about it anyway
  9. Basically, Jega has always been "I'll see ya when I see ya". Recall that "Variance" was supposed to come out in like 2004 or something but it made it to Soulseek and he got pissed. It didn't ultimately surface until 2009. So as far as "Spectrum 2", give it a 5-10 year leeway
  10. Goddamn I've been howling all morning about his parade speech flubs. “Our army manned the ramparts. It took over the airports. It did everything it had to do. At Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory"
  11. Ol' Bochum is fixin to fall out of my favor and that's really something as a 22 year fan. "Color Me (Mix 2)" is a chopped and screwed "The Garden (and the Chateau)". Just like "Ghost" from the "April EP" was "Marylebone" given the smear treatment. "April EP" wound up being only 1:43 of new music in the form of "Azure" (lush af but still). So now wtf...this 40 minute album gonna actually be 4 minutes of new BW or summat? I used to snicker at the Interlude jokes but I'm getting genuinely peeved at this point. He doesn't owe us anything but fuck. I hate how loving someone's art and gripping onto it so tightly makes you feel like a child in a tantrum. Gotta let it go. Maybe I'll be surprised. EDIT: ok I just did the soundcloud preview, not the bandcamp. "Mavic 1" is gonna bring it all home for me. Sorry Gian, I'm testy
  12. The conspiracy deepens even further when you realize that the first half melody is mostly....."Kid for Today" by BOC *dramatic gopher*
  13. I'm 2 thumbs up on the Anima short--this coming from a guy with very low tolerance for anything involving choreography/interpretive dancing/musicals/etc. There's something about PTA that makes everything gorgeous even if it's hamfisted or artsy. What I appreciated most is that it did have a sense of humor amidst the r/iam14andthisisdeep in the form of that lunchbox. When Thom peeks over the wall and sees the box, he has a nearly cartoonish look of glee. It was quite psychedelic come to think of it.
  14. Goddamn, JP had a conversation with Joe Rogan on his own podcast and he addressed this debate. Holy fuck, it had me in stitches because it had that new meme format that goes like no one: literally no one: "you know I had a debate recently with Zizek because I thought he was a Marxist but to my surprise, he's actually a Hegelian" and then there were just fuckin' crickets from Rogan because like....wtf. Joe was def trying to wrap it up because it was 2 hours in and you could just feel the "cool story, bro" on Joe's part. Maybe I'll clip that part out to see if it's still funny enough. I did this one awhile back and I still like it
  15. xxx

    Warp Tapes WAV

    lol alco This is some treat. The nostalgia kicks like a mule because you can hear all the tips and tricks that went into the released tracks e.g. 606 flex outs, hard-hitting double time drums like "Crystel", etc. Even though it's "primitive" compared to what they would become, it was still such a cut above their contemporaries. I can remember so many mixes and compilations in the 90s where people thought it was just fine to ride out the same loop for 8 minutes and call it good. Even as lads, Ae kept it mutating and engaging, which couldn't have been comfortable on all the old klob.
  16. Imagine showing up to the MASA revival expecting delicious tamales only to find closeted Baptists everywhere
  17. Gonna shit up this thread with a dream but it's fine--who knows how the ol' mechanical codgers will twist our nuts next? Read this thread and put on jatevee before falling asleep. Dreamt of Rob selling a 5 disc changer, which was actually my old Panasonic from 1994. I laughed and thought 'CDs are the new 8 track, who's gonna bite on this one?' I then pressed a combination of buttons and all these personalized messages from Rob scrolled across the LED screen. The messages were admittedly lame; guess I'm not too creative in my dreams. One was a trivia question about his birthday versus Sean's (fuck that's a lol upon revisiting) I got just as fuckin excited in this dream as I did when I backed up track 1 on EP7 to find the secret spectral blurbles. The very first thing I said was "somebody get @hello spiral, he's gonna snatch this up in a heartbeat" Welp that was it.
  18. Haha omg I was in the river last year and I was wearing sandals that had Velcro straps. I'm not sure how I didn't feel it but some unlucky bastard of a little fish got his gills stuck in an exposed bit of Velcro hooks. As we were heading back to the car, my sister screamed "a fish is stuck to your sandal!!" but we were already a fair distance from the water. His suffering was great I'm sure so I said "hey, turn your head" to my sister, peeled him off the strap by pulling his tail and mashed him into oblivion with repeated blows while chanting "sorry buddy" just like yek. My sister was howling. It was so hideous hahaha.
  19. It's actually called Razor? That supports my proposed genre title for all this Second Woman/Lázár/Barker/etc: "slicy boi FM"
  20. Dang, real tempted to add sinistrail sentinel to the NTS in terms of tagging and bagging. I have tons of one-off Autocray bits that are messy and this would sit so nicely except which session?
  21. it's thanks to your FB update--couldn't have done it without you lol

  22. Haha, man I missed your message. You guess correct. THURRR is common usage including the huge "UMMMM" or "ULLLMMM" after nearly every word. I think I made a thread on that...

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