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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. But climate change affects the environment - and they are different things. So why wouldn't you have different policies? I don't know how John Malkovich slipped in here ? but the milankovitch cycles seem to indicate that swings are between -8C to 2C, over the course of 100K years...but we've had 1 degree of warming since 1880, with the majority of it happening in the past 40 years. So that positive feedback loop seems to be working as predicted. Also, I'm unsure why you're willing to put so much trust in the Milankovitch cycles, which still poses many questions in its theory. As the wiki article on it says: " If orbital forcing causes climate change, science needs to explain why the observed effect is amplified compared to the theoretical effect."
  2. Entirely possible that Gore was using hyperbole to drive his point home. It's not too hard to see that through the increase in CO2, there has been a reduction in the Earth's albedo, leading to an increase in average temperature globally, which leads to more sea ice melting, which decreases Earth's albedo further. This positive feedback loop is widely acknowledged - here is a good report on why it the lessening of the albedo matters. https://www.amap.no/documents/doc/AMAP-Climate-Change-Update-2019/1761 If anything, the length of the Milankovitch cycles is a complete justification for human-driven climate change. Those swings take hundreds of thousands of years, yet we are seeing equivalent ones on such a smaller time-scale that it's difficult not to correlate them with human activity. As to your comment on the Scientific American journal (that hard bastion of anti-capitalism), is it any surprise that a company that has spent millions on promoting anti-climate change science propaganda would say something along those lines?
  3. I’m just gonna post this and run as I’m driving back from Detroit. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/?redirect=1
  4. So you don’t think that human activity has had an impact on climate, especially with respect to sea levels? I just want to be sure I understand your position.
  5. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    So many questions. Why is she wearing a microphone that seems to be hooked up to a speaker? is this an outtake from The Thick of It? Is the MP an idiot, a man with some form of mental handicap, or both? this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Thanks brexit!
  6. Implying the quality of stuff from the SoundCloud dump wasn’t high? Them’s fighting words! I like underworld a lot, and think this drift stuff is really excellent, but I don’t think it’s near the quality or quantity of the pages SoundCloud dump. But that’s just like, my opinion, man.
  7. That is a bit shit, finding that out. Don’t know the artist at all.
  8. I masturbate with 100 grit sandpaper.
  9. I mean all he’s said is what any person thinking critically on the issue has been saying since the mueller report was made public.
  10. Think of all those intergalactic cummies!
  11. Yeah, no. It's been great - but think of how much music Aphex put up, for free.
  12. This has been a great run by underworld but I think they just hit the climax. The Pearl’s Girl jam they just released is fucking phenomenal.
  13. Please. I collected marvel comics for a stupidly long time. The character development arcs are literally aimed at teenagers. This is pop culture. It’s good for what it is, but this is culture aimed at mass consumption. As to guessing the ending for Captain America, it was literally written more than 10 years ago. Again, don’t get me wrong - they were enjoyable escapism. But the MCU is not the place I’m turning to for deep insight into the human psyche, or to make me ponder existentialism.
  14. It's like you don't understand that brands change their logos/designs for marketing purposes: https://www.csmonitor.com/Business/new-economy/2011/0106/Starbucks-logo-change-No-name.-More-mermaid.-Will-it-sell-more-coffee
  15. Yeah Trump's genius negotiating team on the USCMA (new NAFTA) tried their level best to fuck up that relationship as well. After all, "deficits bad! surplus good!"
  16. The delusion of a liverpool fan knows no bounds.
  17. What nonsense - Ramos goes shoulder to shoulder, plays the ball as he does so, they lock arms, and over they go. Ramos didn't set out to injure him. Ramos is a cunt, but he's not a judoka.
  18. But you were pushing everyone forward because you were behind...so you hadn't dominated. The barca goals weren't against the run of play, it had been a pretty balanced game. That FK was magic, don't see how anyone could blame the keeper for that.
  19. I watched most of the match, you were in no way, shape, or form, “the better side”. In fact only Dembele’s shit finishing prevented it from being 5-0. I’ll even give you salah’s horrific miss to make it 5-1. Origi-Sturridge up front for you should be entertaining lol
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