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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Thanks Mr Mughnus, yeah I'd totally forgot about that one! It's here https://hyperchambermusic.bandcamp.com/album/uncool-fill-ep I really need to sort out my own bandcamp but I'm generally a lazy bastard when it comes to the admin side of doing choons.
  2. Hallo everybody peeps. Got some more tunes coming out on Acid Waxa, tape & digital vols 1-3, first vol out today Teaser ad: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHK0HwJAKn7/ Vol 1: https://acidwaxa.bandcamp.com/album/superjovian-tracks-vol-1 Longer teaser
  3. The trumps are excellent free advertising for their lucrative adult escort industry
  4. I was listening to some trump supporters being interviewed on radio4 last night while stuck in traffic. Those dickheads are all deliciously unhinged. I have a theory explains trump supporters, Facebook conspiracy theories, brexit voters etc, not sure if I've ever posted it before: Lead poisoning That shit was in everything until what, mid late 80s? A decent proportion of todays 50+yr olds spent the majority of their early years completely saturated by lead and now their brains are mush. We just have to wait for them all to die. This is why rona is actually a good thing. (I'm joking, but also not)
  5. The only thing this demonstrates is that your judgment is impaired? Biden is just an old person. Trump is a walking textbook of the worst traits in human psychology, on top of being an old person. One is obviously significantly worse than the other.
  6. I would probably subscribe if ads were introduced. I probably should anyway but I'm extremely cheap
  7. Question away babe, don't let us sheeple stop you ?
  8. The mortality rate is significant enough that extra measures need to be taken to prevent fucking loads of us dying before a vaccine is ready. It's not hard to understand.
  9. I don't personally know anyone whos has died from it therefore it's completely made up
  10. Can you imagine being a person with a functioning brain and voting for trump? LMAO
  11. These sort of conspiracies theories (population control, secret world governments, thinly veiled antisemitic 'puppetmaster' type shit) definitely belong as much to the hardcore left as they do the hardcore right. The US right wing political establishment is definitely using it to fish for voters, but there was a bit of that with corbynism here in the UK. It's less effective as a recruitment tool for the left because left wing people are (generally) less thick
  12. Just finished listening, that last tracks a bit good isn't it?! Just about ascended to a higher plane there. Autechre = crown princes of idm
  13. First track sounds like aphex doing a parody of the cheesiest squarepusher tracks. The second 2 tracks are just exactly venetian snares tracks.
  14. Bless im, alright I'm back in. This doesn't change the way I feel about jamie oliver
  15. Are you saying, that Jamie Oliver HASNT been trying to get his design ideas into various pans for years and it's likely he did it for the money and not because he feels passionate about pans?
  16. Yeah I still love his music, and his opinions on the new world order and the (totally not jewish) global elite, and wish he was my dad and/or lover like the rest of watmm, I'm just on the fence about buying an aphex branded synth. Isnt it the exact same thing as buying jamie oliver branded frying pans or a joe wicks branded skipping rope or whatever
  17. "Communist China, Beijing" What? Guiliani is the weirdest casualty of trump, I only knew him as the normal seeming mayor of NYC when 9/11 happened. Almost 2 decades off the radar and suddenly he's back as trumps useless and completely deranged arrested development style lawyer, and looking like a corpse that's been done up for an open casket. What fuck happened
  18. I'm not sure I care about some aphex branded novation clobber. Do I? Help me what to think watmm. I might just get a ps5 instead
  19. Yeah there were some whackass tracks on this in the end. The Freddie track is wicked though, I'd love more of that
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