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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. not yet , will do. thx 4 tip ! haven't listened 2 any rapoon b4 , :z*f rules
  2. ?classic vintage 90's doco , narr. by james earl jones?
  3. ? FORMAT BLUE , by INTERNET CLUB ? ? 一晩中 , by E U P H O R I A 永遠の
  4. prdctvsm

    Now Reading

    far out, u r rite - an extended mix (complete & uncut version) w more characters, @ 1472 pgs !
  5. prdctvsm

    Now Reading

    still olny 1/2way thru epic 'the stand by stephen king , &/so/but need a breath of fresh air; tiem 2 stick beak into:
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