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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. first track on the album is still my fav. really really great gives me all sorts of happy feelings.
  2. Keiji-san!!! my dear, sweet professor in college. I love him. A true master!
  3. ive tried really hard to model my life and behavior on THC in that movie, and as a result i've ended up a lot more like giamatti
  4. hateful eight was garbage. one big troll movie. yes yes i'll shoot on 70mm but it will be inside a cabin the entire time. lmao. hollywood was good tho. brad pitt surprised me
  5. can't imagine something more normie than watching a wu tang origin miniseries
  6. look. some music producers have intellectual disabilities, and i'm glad their music is getting out there. representation matters.
  7. i for one categorically disagree that filmmakers have to make films according what madamechaos likes
  8. im on a wired connection in downtown manhattan. notifications take a good 8-10 seconds to load. switch forums about a second or two. chrome browser on a pc.
  9. gesamtkunstwerk - dopplereffekt
  10. wow i love it. definitely one of the best seefeel tracks
  11. no digitals is weak as fuck honestly. just going to pirate it than hand over the odds for limited vinyls. dont they understand this?
  12. this is called medicare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_(United_States)#Part_A:_Hospital/hospice_insurance
  13. we have a national health insurance program that is managed by federal agencies. we've had it for 50 years and it provides insurance and coverage for 60 million people or something around that number. that's greater than the entire population of england. if we're managing 60 million people we can manage more. the qualifying age range for medicare could be adjusted incrementally over a series of years to slowly give more and more americans insurance coverage from the government. I'll be done talking about this - but this isn't the time where feasibility issues and minute speculations about implementation need to be discussed. That happens after Bernie is elected. Healthcare access is a moral and ethical issue, and anyone who tries to obfuscate the discussion otherwise (and those who do are usually in the health care industry) have been morally corrupted by capital. Everyone deserves equal access to healthcare. It's that simple. It's up to us to make it happen.
  14. what does this even mean? It just sounds like you work in the health system lol and dont want anything to change. I said it's insane the US doesn't have a national healthcare system like the other countries in the developed world. I wasn't saying we need to copy /paste a system, like the uk's (please no) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care This was about as general as I meant. Most of them involve a government controlled network of private insurers right? and then some have a public-private parnership? seems pretty fucking easy to do something like that especially when we already have national health insurance program called medicare. a believable approach to MCA would be to just lower the age... to... i dunno... 55 or something. And bring it maybe... from birth to 10. A small cut in our retardedly huge defense budget could probably handle this. lol. yeah it's way cooler to grab billions of dollars from sick people.
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