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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. a good, fun movie buried in here folks. but soooooooooooo much retarded shit shoehorned in for no reason. rose was a terrible character and an even worse actress. one thing i actually felt force awakens got right was casting but this was rogue one levels bad. and then the fanboy shit. egregious and inescapable. serious question: why does kathleen kennedy give a fuck about rubin farr and his troglodytic opinion of star wars? why do you have to cram in super gay "star wars feels" in terms of market cap? surely the farr pie slice is a given. a lock. no need for pandering whatsoever simply because it says star wars on the box. he was posting star wars sex toys "as a lol" a few posts back ffs. i understand having a completely pointless furry "cute" animal, ewok style, for children to buy toys over, but quite literally not 7 minutes went by without a "reference" or a "callback." and im using those terms generously. usually it was just a verbatim recitation but everyone on screen looks tired and bored. there is no reason, financial or otherwise to include this horrible "reference" shit, except in service of kotaku listicles. which i suppose have more influence than i care to admit. it's especially frustrating when there are actual moments of excitement and adventure in this movie, mostly due to acting, but also parts of the script. this "fanboy service," which is idiotically a term now, is so much more damaging to the flow, feel and tone of a film than ANY sort of "forced diversity" casting to appease lindy and other sjws. kathleen it's time to make smelly, fat reddit idiots even more annoyed: please just forget about them and make a fun movie. the biggest mistake of the internet was making them think they are cool. pickle rick.
  2. i am incredibly drunk and about to see this. Will post later
  3. Yeah dude. Almost definitely album of the decade. I listened to it. Should have called it Trademark Ribbons of BORING. weak
  4. i fucking love @3:42 in the title track when that cheeky filtered guitar(?) melody sneaks through but is still being synopated with the cuts along the beats. just really good a e s t h e t i c stuff that a *lot* of vaporwave people wish they could pull off. and from 2010.
  5. everyone says that about their own label zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. pitbull is cuban from miami but w/e she fuh muh aiss so bayd
  7. hehe ^ well im seeing it wednesday afternoon which is pretty soon and perhaps before a lot of you. can't wait to spoil it
  8. wow that looks like garbage. i think i;ll probably off myself soon. or at least before they do that to akira
  9. title of op track refers to people who formerly liked sophie
  10. snagged one. really liking this even though i was highly skeptical. could it be my pick of 2017???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  11. im seeing this in less than a week and literally could not give a shit about it lol
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