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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. At least the people in Manchester goes "thanks" or "cheers" when you hold the door for them, instead of looking at you like you're some kind psycho. But whatever. Could be worse. Everything is sweet. I'm rich.
  2. So you don't think people being satisfied, and sometimes even happy, about sucking at things is great? That wouldn't affect you at all? Edit: Also I'm not depressed. As far as I'm concerned.
  3. Denmark's biggest problem is that the people here are always "satisfied" about everything. There's this whole "meh, could be worse"-mentality that's infecting every part of society, and it's honestly a bit depressing. I like living here and my life could be way way worse (dat irony), but it does kinda bother me that no one seems to aim for anything. But Ceerial already described that pretty well. Also, I always do that bus stop thing. It's relaxing.
  4. I don't usually post trailers on here, but wow this one is good. At first it's pretty raw and kinda makes you all pumped and stuff! You know it's a badass a game when a trailer less than two minutes long makes you feel cool and tough! Then we're introduced to some characters that seems deeper and more complex than anything we've seen before in a shooter, and they even have a super strong female character in there! That's really sweet in my opinion. After that there's a surprisingly emotional speech that really makes you think about what it means to be a soldier. You may lose friends, but the storm will carry us on, you know? Then after all the tears it gets all badass again, and it's just so cool and awesome and badass. I really need to get this game. So good looking. Edit: oh wow, just watched it again (because it's so good) and there's actually a dog getting punched in there! That's so funny, considering that the new Call of Duty has a dog in it! Clever and smart! Video games!
  5. I have nothing to complain about and therefore nothing to post in here. :,<
  6. I'm only at the end of the second track, but this is quite amazing. Way harsher and more challenging and Exai. 'chre <3
  7. Played GTA Online for a few hours yesterday. It's pretty good.
  8. I'd be satisfied with a 12" of his tastiest soundcloud tracks and maybe 1 unreleased one. Plus Straylight. Take my money! And a CD.
  9. This is the best feature of WATMM

    1. Npoess
    2. Friendly Foil
    3. Joyrex


      nah, the best feature is where I can delete these silly updates when the get out of hand

  10. Political statement

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus
    3. Ifeelspace


      I refer the right honourable gentleman to the answer I gave a moment ago

    4. chartnok
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK9deLJQ6XM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3MVTtGcM1I
  12. I know I've alread posted this once in here, but: People still walk slowly on the sidewalk and it still pisses me off. Dumb slow assholes.
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