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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. They already changed it I noticed it on the logo they use for Avatar in Disney+ Its too unique for them to just use it once so I'm expecting for it to replace the delightfully shitty papyrus on future sequels.
  2. ya some squelches sounded a lil ufabulous - i also hear the Cymru similarities in the beats
  3. This roll out is fun! I was expecting some trolls like 6 more Vacuum Trax or a "single EP" that's literally just the one song that's already available on the preorder album, or Squarepusher shot glasses and mugs, or a contest based off something someone from warp thoguht up off the title. lovin this stuff
  4. Anyone got timestamps of where u think the tracks begin? lovin this
  5. " Squarepusher goes all out from Phil Collins to Breakbeat in a genre-busting 20 minute mix." timestamp for when that 20 minute segment starts? I'm guessing the Kanye song? jk idk
  6. Ive been taking CBD as a sleep aid and also as "anti-anxiety" medication when im travelling and wont be smokin for a while. Not that i get bad anxiety, just usually have some sort of negative mental state a few days into no smoke - also have trouble sleeping a few days into no smoke. I've noticed that the Vitamin shops that sell CBD in NYC only have 5, 10, 15 mg options and they are all mixed in with some sort proprietary supplement to "help" you sleep/relax even better. ugh. There is also a CBD store in soho called The 420 that looks all sleek and white inside like a gallery (they call it The Sephora of CBD). That place had some CBD buds that seemed way overpriced so I didnt even experiment. That place at least had tinctures and SOME higher potency stuff like 50mg Capsules - but it all felt very "curated" in that they only had what was available (like if you wanted a higher or lower potency tincture, too bad). just look at it! The store is kinda bare bones - I have a hunch they are placeholding until weed gets legalized recreational in NY???? I really like Lazarus Naturals and I have been ordering from them for a while. They have a great range for each of their products. for me 25mg is the sweet spot. 50mg is good but pushing it for me. leaves me a lil sleepy and out of it. but strong coffee will usually push me thru that.
  7. ah so it only shows up if u have an account?
  8. LOL the guliani shit is so interesting - im guessing one or all three: 1. His cons to make millions are getting exposed so he's desperately trying to cash in if it's not too late already 2. He's there to try to keep any other co-conspirators quiet 3. He's there from Trump threatening them to keep helping him get these biden investigations going...or else!!!
  9. Im still enjoying it but yeah last episode felt the closest to filler so far. Also - were ages of creatures mentioned in the Original Trilogy? saying the child was "50 years old" made me wonder what planet he was from and if it had 2 suns and how u would count a year
  10. colunga


    just to be clear I would be disappointed if that was the actual announcement... I just remember a similar thing happening on the afx store i think, then the bonus cuts came a few weeks after everything was up (i think?). I also feels a bit like squarepusher to just have the store be a normal web store that sells his official releases and that's it. nothing live or one-off or bonus. Same if BOC had one. hopefully they're at least remasters or something.
  11. damn i coulda sworn i saw a T.I. Meme here that said "HYMEN CHECK" and then had that hand coming toward the viewer... now i cant find it!
  12. colunga


    I have a hunch we will be 'teased' with a new 'event' coming soon on the site - which will end up being all of Squarepusher's old albums up for sale !!
  13. Ceephax's older brother is putting out another album!? i might just listen!
  14. my co worker used to watch a ton of those Nollywood movies at work i started liking them the romance ones were the best - we didnt really watch any of the action ones tho those look fun from the trailers
  15. reminds me of a few years ago when people in NYC got zombified off spice/K2 and others around the country had hospital visits. It's so wild that the knock off shit is way more dangerous than the authentic illegal drug. Ive only ever bought black market carts. I've def got some sketchy ones - only 2-3 have made me throw them out from the taste. I knew the "branded" stuff with cartoon characters and cereal characters was mostly fake so i was off those about a year ago. EDIT: Shit im high - i didnt realize i posted basically this exact same thing a few posts up in october lol
  16. Anybody not wearing two million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day, get it?!
  17. BOO!! ??Sorry did I scare you?! WASSUP GURL??? ITS ALMOST COCKTOBER ????? AND IF YOU?? ARE GETTING THIS??? IT MEANS UR A HALLOWEEN ?? HOE????? every year in Cocktober the jack o slut? comes to life????????? coming to harvest ??? his hoes for THOT-O-WEEN??????? send this to 10 other Halloween Hoes or else you a TRICK??? ? IF YOU GET 4 BACK UR A THOT-O-WEEN TREAT? IF YOU GET 6 BACK UR A SLUTTY WITCH BITCH??? BUT IF YOU GET 10 BACK UR THE SPOOKIEST SLUT ON THE BLOCK??⚰???? If you don’t send this to other thots??? you will get NO DICK ?? this COCKTOBER?
  18. Damn need this on Apple Music to make it real
  19. funny ive been reading thru it since yesterday! He also mentions having tripped to old hip hop radio John Ehrlichman "the envelopes thing is intriguing because it seems like the whole concept of an envelope follower has been taking to the extreme in a lot of new AE compositions. like using env lpf type sounds to squelch the drums. I love how fwzE sounds like the whole song is going through some kind of really tasty wah-pedal type filter, seemingly using some kind of drum controlled envelope. " Sean: yeah tbh it's prob the result of listening to old hip hop radio tapes while tripping you get all that extra texture, and the whole track being fucked, i dunno we're just really into it
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