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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Kinda like raw denim, which is also a popular Japanese thing. Get some dope fades breh.
  2. No, they mean your brain isn't sophisticated enough to understand Synecdoche, NY or Magnolia. Maybe Transformers is more your speed. What's funny is when people say this after you point out how a film like Where The Wild Things are is a hotboxed elevator of farts.
  3. Haha, one of the most common go-to arguments on the IMDB forums(don't) is "you just don't understand film, go watch Transformers."
  4. If anyone ever meets up with some extraterrestrial life, they will feel like they are tripping balls and they will be traumatized and babbling for the rest of their lives. Some super intimidating abstract mind melting shit. Like being from the northern U.S. and visiting the south.
  5. Anyone ever date a girl that teaches yoga? Major key.
  6. I would have walked out of Where The Wild Things Are, one of the worst films ever made.
  7. LOL! I had to endure 2 hours of this the other night and the Olivia chick is batshit. The only reason he hasn't voted her off yet is he needs to hire more bodyguards I'm sure.
  8. Maybe you've seen them already but the first 5 seasons are utmost excellence with great episodes in 6,7 and then I lost track.
  9. So in the end races and ethnic groups matter? Complexion. It don't mean a thing.
  10. That full Rutgers video is Sam's magnum opus. Off the chain.
  11. Ronald Frump The Three Spooges Throb Saget A Time To Trill Glansphobia
  12. Dad Moon Rising Daddles Dlaid D.A.D. Company
  13. Breast Coast Slavves Kink Floyd Radiosled R.E.M and Stimpy Phó Show Thuggernauts
  14. I bet Syd Barrett went through a phase like that though I am sure of it
  15. Kanye is like a really good Hollywood film director. Of hip hop. A manager of talent and ideas. This is his strength and he's always done it well. Although I admit it's easy to misinterpret.
  16. That cat in the avatar is being seriously triggered by the imminence of new shit.
  17. I find this to be pretty interesting lately. We're taught about historical figures as if they were role models, but in order to buck the trends they had to be pretty savage and morally bankrupt some or maybe all of the time. Thomas Edison was a dick, Ben Franklin could be as well. I have no idea if Steve Jobs will be looked at in a similar way decades from now, but they'll probably fudge some inconvenient details. The ends justified the means for them.
  18. Well, if someone with money and influence can still be taken to task for something seriously bad they did, I see it as somewhat encouraging.
  19. Imagine telling Bill Cosby 30 years ago that he's going to die in prison. Time machine pls
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