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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. For no reason at all, I just did about an hour of research about Michael Jordan being an asshole.
  2. The only reason I keep Facebook is for tinder, and if I make new friends wherever and they ask me if I have Facebook I just say "nah not really". Then I skin a deer and crawl inside it for warmth with my tinder date.
  3. Shiffa LaBiffle Twat Team Poodle Brains Chastity Welt Plankton Is My Spirit Animal
  4. A cummy is a variation of creme brulee commonly served in upscale French restaurants. Made of 100% unpasteurized cumjizz.
  5. Shitty takeout chicken fingers at 3:45 AM
  6. He was a temp and just got a call from the agency a couple hours after his last shift telling him not to go in. And this is 2 weeks after they said reassuringly, "It's over." Everyone's pissed.
  7. Fargo is one of the most top notch things happening currently. And Billy Bob reminded me of just how awesome he really is with that first season. Damn son.
  8. They said the layoffs were done but then when I came in I found out my friend was let go. Great for morale! Thanks guys!!!
  9. Recent Metal Albums of Enjoyment: Inter Arma - The Carvern, Sky Burial Cursed - I, II, III Horrendous - Ecdysis, Anareta Entombed - Wolverine Blues
  10. Marsupial Beats, Reptilian Rhythms Crustacean Grime, Diplodocus Dancehall Triassic Trap, Cretaceous Crunk Paleozoic Punk, Herbivore Hardcore Tetrapod TripHop Basilosaurus Bluegrass Edit: Nice graphic tour tees for all groups listed
  11. Anybody else into Horrendous? SO GOOD https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fknkkyxJXOk
  12. Skeeter Gabriel Michael Molten - Magma of Love Hebbie Dairy Enimen
  13. That new song is a pretty big improvement over top 40 schlock you guys are just being watmm. I held off checking it out because of your reaction though. People at work listen to Taylor Swift (a pop star with zero sense of melody?) so I am an expert on this subject mmmkay
  14. Steve AlBeanie-Baby Outcrassed Kid Cuddly Girth, Wind, and Fire
  15. The first time I listened to Syro I woke up in a pet store at 3 AM with a very full stomach. I look at the goldfish tanks and they were all gone.
  16. I'm not even finding it particularly good. I thought the first couple of episodes were great but it went downhill after that. Some series are like this, they seem REALLY good at first then trail off but you feel obligated to keep watching.
  17. Such art. Like a resentful handjob on your honeymoon, this album delivers.
  18. Colin Firth in a biopic of Thomas A. Hendricks, the vice president of Grover Cleveland. The film will take place in 1885 when he was vice president for five months before dying. The film mostly consists of him quail hunting without ever shooting a bird and eating nut pudding by the fireplace while he scribbles into a scroll.
  19. TNT and Standards are the dopest shizz I get all hot and bothered just thinking about them.
  20. School shooter style has become a fashion trend these days. Rick Owens and Balmain biker jeans with $1000 geobasket shoes and dark underworld ninja drapey capes with an old battered Marilyn Manson shirt underneath will make you a star on instagram and maybe Kanye and Kardashian will adopt you if you just keep it together and not shoot schools nice shot pepe
  21. I heard you can still sneak jet fuel through metal detectors if you are so inclined.
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