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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. His heritage is Russian. His permanent Celtics hat and OPN being a riff on Boston's Magic 106.7 reveal his true Mass status I also drove on Pelham Island Road which goes from Sudbury to Wayland. It goes by a pond and is track title worthy, imo
  2. "Give a man a fish and teach him, but only for a day. Because it's easier to stick needles in a camel's eye than to get out of heaven." Gandhi "If Jesus had AIDS, would you still drink his blood?" The Edge, guitarist of U2
  3. Rival Dealer being the final Burial release is like Sean Connery's final film being The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. *kicks plastic bags but it gets stuck on foot*
  4. The new Steve Jobbers is written by Aaron Sorkin' though so he's still keeping his prestige up.
  5. Bronies are the only thing that offends me, I've found. They are less dank and more like meth for the teeth of the soul.
  6. The dogs really show their range on the power ballads on that album imo fantando strong 8"
  7. One of my co workers took some mushrooms at the beach a few weeks ago and hallucinated that he shit himself while walking through a crowd of people. I lol'd
  8. my dad just said he doesn't want to hear from me anymore, but other than that this has probably been the best summer of my life so far (close race with that summer when i was three where i basically just played by the ocean every day) The fuck is wrong with your Dad? I mean, I don't want to pry into personal matters, but I don't think I've ever seen anything but positivity from you when it comes to the treatment of others on here. I don't know anything about Cryptwomen nor his parents, but I can understand why a man would be mad at his son for going homeless and embracing the hobo life when he has an alternative. Not saying I share his opinion or point of view, but I can understand it Yeah it sounds like a pretty reasonable way to react. He probably thinks you're involved in male prostitution even if you tell him you aren't.
  9. man, drug dreams are insane I got mild sub-clinical PTSD from my nicotine patch nightmares probably the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life also Seroquel gave me extremely vivid life-changing dreams for years Nicotine patches gave me nightmares in which me and one of my friends were chased through a sewer by a guy with an axe and we both got hacked up. I also had one where I shot a friend and had to dispose of the body from the top floor of a crowded building. Really vivid and you can feel The Fear in these fucking dreams, man!
  10. I'm a 28 year old American male, and while I barely use Facebook, it seems like its popularity is dwindling. Other social media apps like Instagram, snapchat, Twitter, etc seem to have taken some of its thunder and novelty. But those somehow seem less intrusive and in-your-fucking-personal face so I'm not as worried. Those are less like a LinkedIn page for social status positions.
  11. Trump's trolling has been top notch in my opinion. Even if he means half the shit he says, he's making plenty of other politicians look less respectable by saying it.
  12. It wears out it's welcome pretty quickly. I don't like a single character and saying cocksucker 80 times an episode is just a tragically weird decision. I'm not sure how people put it in the same league as The Sopranos and The Wire. Edit: I like Doc Cochran and that's it
  13. I really wanted to like Deadwood. I should have started watching it with subtitles I guess. The dialogue is overly stylized and awkward and it doesn't make up for the plodding vibes.
  14. Trill Collin$ Cyndi Lobster Robert Downer Jr Gorey Maim
  15. When I am in public with a friend, I will just start urinating freely without a care in the world and there is no friend and I am flying
  16. It's before 8:30 AM and I'm drinking two IPAs
  17. I work 7pm to 7 am 3 or 4 days a week on a rotating schedule. *bitchslap*
  18. Candiru


    I've noticed this too but I admit I find this attitude so much more refreshing than people who are all about working hard - not smart, not having much to show for it and then acting like it's their cross to bear.
  19. I'm going to see the Thurston Moore Band later. I hope it's good
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