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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. You need to let it grow on you/transcribe the vocal samples/think of the dreams this album gave you, etc. Nah. Just let it all out. I got your back. lol
  2. Squid Cudi Hank Wappa and the Brothers of Detention
  3. I think his rapping is really stupid and immature on purpose, because that's his public persona. But that doesn't make it "conceptually genius" or anything. It really hurts the music. I thought Guilt Trip was actually a really solid track, but that autotune wailing at the end is just ridickless. I like the style he chose to make this album as, but Kanye as a performance artist is just like...dude are you for real? But I guess it's sort of like listening out of morbid curiosity and picking out the good parts.
  4. When I watched it the second time, I thought that Dr. Jacoby was sort of like Tobias from Arrested Development when he was still a licensed therapist. He even has a few funny innuendos like "Laura built a wall around herself that I spent a year trying to penetrate, and the fact that I could not... I consider myself an aaabject failure." Because you know he was trying.
  5. Zomby saying Machinedrum is the dumbest name in music. But he probably thinks "zombie" is actually spelled "zomby". And shit, man. You can look as ridiculous as you want if you make good music, and Machinedrum does BOTH. Beat that.
  6. Belew is awesome. What are some good albums with Belew kicking ass?
  7. Obviously T. Rez and LizBuck should embark on a coke binge of epic proportions, swap wives and create an album on par with The Downward Spiral and Rumors combined.
  8. I just don't know anymore. maybe it was the beard and the hair. he looked silly. When people talk about Michael Shannon, nobody mentions his role as Agent Van Alden on Boardwalk Empire. This is a great role, he knocks it out of the park. Much better than Take Shelter.
  9. Check out Angels and Demons at Play, that's a pretty great album. will do Also, check Lanquidity, On Jupiter, and Sleeping Beauty.
  10. I think it's quite enjoyable. But I also don't think that just because it's by BoC that musically it's way over my head and that it will take years before I peel back the complex layers and conceptual meaning and have an epiphany. This is not that kind of music for me.
  11. Yeah, for free. When I got the dispatch email, it said it was shipping to a different state, even on the packing slip... so I emailed them, got my copy the next day, got a freebie today. Nobody try any funny business now.
  12. This is a good point. On another note, I unexpectedly got a second copy of the album from Bleep today. Craziness.
  13. Photoshop Dave Grohl's head onto T. Rez's body and have him screaming "head like a Grohl!"
  14. Basically, my question is for those who think Tomorrow's Harvest is better than The Campfire Headphase: Why?
  15. This is very different from the Autechre effect, because from the get go I knew TCH was really, really good. I started listening to BoC around 2007, and always saw the albums as a trilogy of really good stuff. Tomorrow's Harvest doesn't sound nearly as developed. I enjoy quite a bit of it, but I'm just being honest with myself and I I think this one sounds so much more sparse and unrealized than TCH. It's just this go-to talking point for reviewers. "derp, derp, Campfire Heaphase is trying to be MHTRTC again but failing, derp. derp" when if you actually listen to it it's a very clear progression of their sound and aesthetic. The new one is a regression, absolutely. I guarantee you if the release dates were reversed you would have a very different reaction from fans. Nobody wants to hear it, but shit man.
  16. Armond White is seriously trolling. Okay so Soderbergh is talented, but doesn't always do his best. This makes Traffic a bad movie and Bullet To The Head is actually an intellectual experience. Riiiiiiigggghhhht.
  17. Let's hear it for The Campfire Headphase, the most unfairly bullied, arbitrarily shat on album in IDMz history. As in how could you "meh" that album and not this one?
  18. Something can be enjoyable without being mind blowing, I and that's where this album sits for me. I felt the same way about the new MBV. Everybody from my point of view was/is overracting while I just think it's pretty good. Not their best and maybe too much time away robbed some of what could have been. Also, how did the internet hive mind decide that The Campfire Headphase is somehow worse than this new one? Or a "lesser" BoC album? Clearly on TCH, BoC were on top of their game as lush, richly detailed sonic magicians. It's pretty unparalleled when you put it beside the music of BoC's admirers. or this new one.
  19. What a bunch of immature human turds we all are.
  20. Ah, well I guess just replace that with something gay. Throw that into the mix. Nine Inch... Nails?
  21. Yeah, that album title is just terrible... Trent's a fucking millionaire, with a hot asian wife, am I really supposed to believe he's still contemplating suicide? The dark, brooding and angsty vibes of NIN used to be believable and genuine but this just seems like Hot Topicy middle school "hey guys, I'm depressed, see?" vibes. I think it's a double entendre. The suicide reference doubling as "I almost ended NIN, but I decided not to."
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