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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Nope. Not only does it sound a lot busier, but it's just more funky, groovin' and melodic than Confield. A lot of the time, the sound of a new frontier isn't as exciting as its later incarnations. Or some shit.
  2. But there's easily more stuff going on in here than on Chiastic Slide or Confield. And I think it's a hell of a lot more fun than Confield, if not as novel at the time of its release. I think people are just really hesitant to say that a recent album may be better than some past glories. But then again, Chiastic Slide, EP7, and Confield are my least listened to.
  3. It definitely isn't NOT one of their best you know? I give it a 34/35 aevocados.
  4. haha shit, is that really how you pronounce it? I haven't listened to much of him, but I thought it was 'On-ee-oh-trix', and I didn't get it but thought it was a cool name. 'one-oh-trix point never' is so much lamer. I'm not sure which interview this was in, but I think I've seen it mentioned more than once. Another interesting thing is that I was driving through Sudbury, MA and saw Pelham Island Road. Like, the actual street. And since it's one of my favorite OPN tracks, I threw it on while taking that road. It was actually really scenic, kind of a windy road that goes by this huge pond. It's gotta be the road he named the track after. Good story, I know.
  5. One-Oh -Tricks-Point-Never is supposed to sound like 106.7, as in Magic 106.7, Boston's continuous soft rock. "Today's hits, yesterday's favorites." They play stuff like Phill Collins or Alanis Morrisette or Billy Joel or Madonna. It's all the rage.
  6. If and when OPN stops being loyal to some certain clique or niche, he'll get even better. As of now I really like him about 80% of the time. His new album pleasantly surprised me and I haven't listened to the NIN remix yet, but I will soon. Stay tune for my detailed report at 11.
  7. Maybe it'll be similar to those Japan benefit compilation tracks like 6582 and Ts1a. Those are kickass McRadical and all kinds of wicked.
  8. L-Eventually. Meanwhile, Exai lurks about.
  9. Yeah for a while I just needed a break from the electronic musics. Hip hop, jazz, and good ol' ROCK are always there to help. I don't get this "no music with vocals" thing. Grow up and drink some black coffee, listen to someone sing, and be a real person.
  10. Nah, send them a case of 60 Minute IPA for the 60 minute e.p.
  11. Sean Booth's next career.
  12. Good suggaestion, caendiru. Waennae shaere baeaer? Homebraewed IPAe's it is braeh.
  13. I thought the racist comments were made in a sarcastic manner highlighting how his superiors were treating the FBI agent? The sex with strippers was also showing he was a single man unable to really have any meaningful relationships as he was devoted to his job? Context and all that. The Guard was a great little movie. Lots of gallows humor.
  14. L-(ush) Event, perhaps? Every Aelbum or Ae.p. is a lush event.
  15. Maybe Sean and Rob want everyone to organize an event where everyone has their own personal "L" (urban youngster slang for a blunt, which is urban youngster slang for a cheap cigar with the tobacco removed and filled with marijuana before being smoked (like a cigarette)). Once everyone is situated, you listen to L_Event at this event, each with your own personal L's. Everyone mingles, people pair off and mate. IDM babies are sequenced. The spawn of two or more of these IDM babies will be Autechre's next reincarnation, which people will dismiss as being "too future" before being booted offstage at a Bar Mitzvah. The rise, fall, and rise again account of their ongoing saga will inspire the three generations of humans that survive in the utopian spaceshipland that ends up being hit with an asteroid that kind of looks like Miley Cyrus' teenage granbut.
  16. Weeping Wallabies Globular Giblets Flimsy Lohan D'Keyshaughn Connery Wangaroos Wombatteries Appalled Eagle Giraffle Ticket Zebro Lyle Lillard and the Squid Ticklers.
  17. The Dick Cheese Incident Laughing With Salad
  18. The fact that Elysium was only like 90 minutes was a bit weird. It felt like a pretty good 2 hour movie with a half hour edited out by studio execs a week before release.
  19. His music sounds like big puzzle peices that are put together incorrectly on purpose. I remember some Autechre interview where they said they wanted you to think of their music as wildstyle graffitti. I think Actress does that too in his own way. Parallel World and most tracks on Splazsh are where it's at.
  20. Twerk Jerky Rumpus of Retards Bartholomusic
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