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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Jellybelly, Here Is No Why, Thru The Eyes of Ruby. Just rock the fuck out.
  2. But Prometheus was a dumb movie made to make dumb people feel smart, kind of like Inception. Avatar was a dumb movie by design, which I respect more.
  3. This will be the Autechre hip hop album. Keepin' it rugged and raw this muthafuckin' album will leave you in awe...
  4. Sometimes I stop smoking for a month or two to clear my head. Then when I start back up again it feels AMAZING. This seems like a healthy thing to do.
  5. I saw a guy with the Ken's salad dressing logo on his arm with the quote "I put that shit on everything" beneath it. I also know a guy who was in the Air Force who has 16:20 tattooed on his leg. Tattoos.
  6. Candiru

    Sonic Youth

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wZNu3v4jh8 Lee Ranaldo could have sung many more of their songs.
  7. Cal Pacino Mo Kalate Alfred HitchCockRock
  8. Squiddles Pad Britt Hogfish Dead East Infection
  9. I know that I just need to spend more time with friends, and that's a start. They're not really there for me, and I have a ridiculously hard time making new ones. I tried making friends at work, but ended up hooking up with this female co-worker who happens to be one of the employee benefits, if you catch my drift. The situation kind of blew up in my face, and I was really just looking for people to hang out with. I'm not going for the self pity angle here, I just want to know how others get on with this.
  10. So, WATMM quacks. What would you recommend to an 11 year old kid that feels suicidal but is afraid to tell anyone? Right, he's just looking for attention. Wait...
  11. Aruba Pudding Jr. Symbolically Adopted Tigers
  12. because his album art is eye-blisteringly ugly? True, it kind of cancels out his impressive PR skillz.
  13. I've listened to Cylobian Sunset and Formant Potaton lots and lots because they are good times. But I think we know now why he's so obscure.
  14. I've never listened to this one, just Rust Never Sleeps, which is one of my favorites. How does this one compare? Well, the versions of the songs that are on Rust Never Sleeps are MUCH better on Live Rust, in my opinion. More rockin' and raw. Powderfinger! Also, it serves as a great "best of" even though there are so many great songs of his that aren't on here. Powderfinger!
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