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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. That was originally in the script for The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent was a scorned moka pot noob with an axe to grind. (The Joker uses a fucking percolator.)
  2. Hummuna hummuna wow AaaaAAAoooooOoooooooga! They probably filled the water above the valve and CRAMMED the coffee in there. Or maybe it was all corroded and full of stuff blocking the valve. All easy to avoid moka pot 101 stuff, nothing to fear.
  3. I’ve gotten some downright marvelous results from the moka pot. It’s gonna be American Press for all time, though. Probably the best thing for all the fancypants single-origin coffee because the flavors pop for real and I feel like I’m making the most of them beans.
  4. Candiru

    The Tuss

    For a while, Analord/The Tuss was my favorite era of Aphex. Maybe it still is. I'm always surprised to see other Aphex fans write it off. I think Syro is definitely one of his best full albums. The second half of Syro, along with Collapse EP especially rips, and I see it as an evolution from his Analord/Tuss sound.
  5. A lot of them are probably bots. Or just idiots.
  6. Good article and I appreciate this a lot
  7. Beto is like an GOP plant at this point. He just gave them a huge win for talking about taxing the Catholic Church, as delicious as the idea sounds. This is why you can’t just placate college students and expect to win an election. You have to be sorta liberal but not be “us against them” about everything. Pick your hills to die on. This is why Barr did his “secular people are bad” speech. Don’t take that bait.
  8. I ended up binging Chernobyl without even planning on it. I haven't watched The Walking Dead in years, and just found out it's still going. Jesus fucking christ why?
  9. Hey, Jesus was anointed with oils on the reg. WeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeedddDDDd oils
  10. I never thought much of Seth Meyers when it comes to comedy, but when he does the "A Closer Look" thing on his show where he sums up current events, he excels. I have been impressed so many times by his smart, wry, deadpan overview of what is happening and how fucking dumb it is, just plainly stated.
  11. Candiru

    The Tuss

    I remember when that Shallow Rewards guy said he didn't like The Tuss I was like "you fuckin piece of shit you went on a fuckin pilgrimage to Cornwall and you don't even like The Tuss you fuckin poser" and he cried and I felt awesome but yeah, it's like a transition between Analord and Syro/Collapse stuff and really awesome in its own right.
  12. There should be a Riddler movie. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio with a beer gut wearing a stained green t shirt with a question mark on it. He asks people stupid questions, spray paints question marks on everything and gets arrested, and ends in a climactic bum fight on a skyscraper rooftop in Shanghai. The villain will be Batman, played by present day Val Kilmer.
  13. Yeah, and the irony is Wynton Marsalis just piggybacked on stuff people already did decades ago, ignoring that his musical heroes had a very different outlook towards the music they were making. When Miles was making stuff with the second great quintet, he didn’t want to be put in a museum, it was just another step of his musical evolution. He was not a guy who romanticized the past.
  14. Get yo probes out ma butt you lil commie pinko bastards.
  15. No, I think we’ll find out how much debt he’s in with sketchy entities as well as more details of his ineptitude as a businessman.
  16. I think it’ll be a big deal when we get his taxes in some form and people can see just how mobbed up/fake rich he is. It will seem even more ridiculous to defend him and his whole image will disintegrate right in front of all his supporters.
  17. Apparently, GOP movers and shakers know Trump is a toxic tornado of fuckery and are looking for an off ramp, but know all available options will have dire political consequences for the party. So they're just like, waiting for someone in congress to be The First One that condemns Trump, publicly supports impeachment and gets the ball rolling. A lot of it really is just political pressure, but some of these cunts really are blackmailed, so LOL
  18. I remember watching the Ken Burns jazz series and being kind of annoyed how much Stanley Crouch there was And how he sided with him about ignoring stuff like Bitches Brew and stuff inspired by it.
  19. Yeah I think it’s so his gut doesn’t stick out. Look how hard he tries to hide being bald.
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