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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Let's hope Jesus has been doing CrossFit in the ether realms and is prepared to return and kick some ass, imo
  2. He's really riding that 80's rehash wave. We should be seeing a lot of retro 90's stuff in the 2020's, according to the 30 year cycle.
  3. +1 on The Americans. some pretty baller tv right there imo
  4. Haha, I went to a store like that in Newton, MA and it was wack but I totally bought some ridiculous CBD oil and got my chakras balanced. I also smoke spliffs with religious devotion.
  5. I’m 32 but whenever I talk to people maybe 2 or 3 years younger than me, they haven’t heard of anything more than 10-15 years old. Someone at work mentioned seeing a giant rat outside, so I made a Princess Bride reference and like 4 people had never heard of the movie. Culture is dying.
  6. You don't have to build anything to get wealthy. One of the problems is that people figured out it's easier to get rich by being a parasite and liquidating society into your bank account while you galavant around the globe doing blow with the heiress to a plutonium empire on a private jet with it's own jacuzzi full of midgets and panda bears
  7. Nu Vaporwave Porn VR on CBD and Omega 3 capsules got me off PCP
  8. Arrested Development got copied big time as well. It came to mind if I ever caught an episode of Modern Family.
  9. Candiru

    Go Corbyn

    From what I hear, both choices sucked really really bad and not in a “but her emails” way, but in a these guys will both take a massive dump on the UK sort of way and everyone is fucked regardless
  10. After he won, I wondered how we are supposed to carry on as a society, surrounded by all of these idiots that changed history by being idiots.
  11. Yeah, that album by The Eaves is on spotify and the whole thing is really, really great. I recommend the shit out of it tbqh
  12. Why?’s Blood Weyes Cripp Creamin’ Jay Hawkins Mildly Spicy Jalapeño Poppers
  13. I think the observation is about how absurd it is that everything at a Starbucks is so standardized and automated for consistency that even asking for something slightly different will make the “barista”s head explode.
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