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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Nebraska is currently plotting a coup dat ass, and my American interventionist cowboy side agrees with him, in the case of this smoldering malevolent cougar dictator. Life is about choices.
  2. I really want a series of those BORN TO DIE world is a fuck shirts.
  3. The fucked up thing is that it's quite possible people will be more turned off by Bernie or Warren. Biden would have been much better off if he didn't say this, though.
  4. What a stupid blunder. Now you know Trump will just say he's going to legalize it, since he lies all the time anyway. It's the secret weapon any Dem candidate has against the Republicans, fucking use it already.
  5. shoulda called it "Erfquake" and sold it for $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to some dictator or something imo
  6. The “tavern style” pizza in Chicago is also pretty dope. It’s basically a hearty brick oven pizza.
  7. After seeing his safari mate get decapitated by the swift kick of a giraffe, a nature documentary filmmaker takes a sabbatical in Las Vegas, where he takes to selling fake Rolexes. He ends up doing this for years, ends up getting married and having kids. One year for Christmas, his daughter gets a giraffe stuffed animal and this stirs something inside him. He feels he must kill every giraffe on the planet, and after several failed attempts at gaining traction with his local congressman, he decides to take matters into his own hands. A long road through hellfire and carnage awaits, but a patriot must protect his country.
  8. I use Spotify, but also buy music on Bandcamp and I also saw the price of this 300 and something Euros and thought of the starving children in Alabama.
  9. Steve Albini has revealed himself to be a true hero of music. Old news to many, but yeah.
  10. So there's another Batman reboot coming out in 2021. Paul Dano is in talks to play the Riddler, and that would be some pretty decent casting actually.
  11. I bought this from the drummer of this band.
  12. That B.E.E review was really good and I want to see that movie again soon.
  13. ^^ same cover art as the first Triptykon album.
  14. There is no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing by the Bidens, but lots of evidence (proof)of the Trump administration actually engaging in corruption in Ukraine. The mobsters that paid the president’s personal lawyer to fire a US diplomat so they could continue their corruption got indicted. They needed to continue their corruption so badly, that they held Ukraine hostage with military aid $ if they didn’t shift the blame onto the Bidens. And they did it in full view of several career govt officials who didn’t feel like getting wrapped up in something illegal, and are now testifying against them. And even W Bush wasn’t this retarded.
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