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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Tekashi 6ix9ine should make one last track about how hard it is to go into witness protection with so many face tats. Imagine him trying to be a mall Santa Clause in Fairbanks, Alaska or some shit and the hood still got em
  2. Katie Porter verbally DESTROYS Ben Carson with a $5,000 dining room chair. But yeah, I like Katie Porter and Tammy Duckworth. Much more serious than any of The Squad, for sure.
  3. Not to mention chaos, dragons, and the occasional shrill harpy.
  4. aaaaaayyyyooooo it's new Kvelertak
  5. I really enjoyed The Irishman. Not perfect, but I'll probably like it even more after a second watch. Al Pacino was awesome.
  6. I can’t relate to well adjusted people and I feel like I need to help them build some fucking character by making their lives more difficult.
  7. I have about 140 Facebook friends and only use it to keep track of concerts to go to. If Zuckerberg wants to use smellovision when I take a shit, that’s one thing. I expect that. Look at that fucking twat. If he wants to use it to brainwash people into keeping a retard in the White House to push America fully into a feudal society, then it’s time to get some fucking boots on the ground.
  8. It was going to snow heavily again in a few hours. I figured I could just bungee cord the body to the back of my snowmobile and drag it back to the shed where I could gut it. Any remaining blood and the tracks would be covered up by at least a foot before anyone could see. There's no one else around for miles. Even though I am certain it doesn't matter, the engine starts more loudly than I am comfortable with, and the winding path through the trails seems multiple times longer than the trip it took to get here. Strange, since the anticipation of what had to be done was a constant presence in my mind during the ride. Did I mention Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time?
  9. I'm watching Hannah Gadsby's "Nanette" and I can't believe anyone likes it. Okay. i finished watching it, and I have to admit that after having done so, I have emerged as a better person.
  10. I definitely wasn't expecting a Christian pop punk album outta this guy, especially with such a scandalous zebra ass on the cover, but I gotta say, I'm a fan. He really employed the chiaroscuro technique to exemplary effect, letting that accordion/kazoo rhythm section shine and brought the whole proceedings to a place of exuberance and grandeur. ∞º∞/10 would proquifligate again.
  11. ˆ çø¨¬∂ ßå¥ ßøµ´ ®´å¬¬¥ ∫å∂ ߆¨ƒƒ å˜∂ ¥ø¨ ©ø¨¥ß ∑ø¨¬∂˜æ† ´√´˜ ∫´ å∫¬´ †ø †´¬¬
  12. A fancy car is just an extension of the male phallus.
  13. ˆ ∫´† ¥æ嬬 µø†˙僨ç˚åΩ ç嘆 ´√´˜ ¨˜∂å߆å˜∂ å ƒ¨ç˚ˆ˜ ∑ø®∂ ˆæµ ß奈˜ ˜ ß˙ˆ†
  14. Nate Silver did a big ol fuckin’ whoops with his posts there.
  15. He made a good point about Zuckerberg and the like being held accountable just like executives in various other industries are when what they do goes wrong. A CEO can be held legally liable by the board of directors/shareholders, but can conspire to create a technocratic dystopia? Time to get our laws up to speed on this shit, my ni?️?️az
  16. Candiru

    Brexit :(

    I wonder if Prince Andrew will slay Brexit and sacrifice himself in the process, restoring honor to his name, and lifting the curse of the Wraiths that have plagued the land for generations.
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