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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I can't believe they had the balls for a 10 minute harpsichord and accordion battle.
  2. Split Your Infinities is interesting, I don't see too many people mention that one. I've never noticed one of the interlude tracks when they play and I've played this album front to back many times.
  3. All music that we know of has been made in the world. On Earth. It's all World Music. Open your eyes people.
  4. I bet a few people who got killed in the recent Texas shootings had guns on them... it's Texas for fuck's sake. Megan McCain would've been all Rambo up in everyone's ass though, she means it.
  5. Hippies were hippies until they could not hippy anymore. Maaaaaaaannnn.
  6. C'mon Düül II Bing Brimson Super Smash Ra Tempel
  7. Good endings for a lot of these tracks. Chocolate Chip Trip make Vsnares cry. 7empest really is epic isn't it Tüül
  8. Danny Carey really spazzes out on this one. Adam Jones can be a little... stubborn(?) at times if you know what I mean. Like he’s not actually that musically inclined but that riff goes there anyway? I dunno, he has his moments on here though for sure.
  9. Tüül Pink Lloyd's BBQ Maynard James Leanin'
  10. Nah, she was one of the “let’s kick out Al Franken for his hover-hands over the bulletproof vest scandal” cunts
  11. BiG MAc DeMenTia ADderAll DiEt CoKe FOx NeWs NoRth KOrEa FAKe NeWs TAriFfs SaD PUtiN GoLf ReCeSsion SHutDown ChosEn One vs. A FUCKING PRESIDENT OH SHIT WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE?!!???!!!!?!?!
  12. I kind of like vaping with Rubi pens from the dispensary. Very discrete and good for bedtime.
  13. “Lol, ok gramps, we found a new home for you out in the countryside. Yes, there will be rabbits.”
  14. From Kill Bill to The Hateful Eight, his movies take place in that over the top comic book universe. Inglorious Basterds is the masterpiece of this half of QT's career, if you ask me. The sheer joy he had making that movie is very apparent and it gets better with each watch, even though I was a little skeptical when I first saw it in theaters. The Hateful Eight was my least favorite. Maybe it's just me, but there was nothing enjoyable about it. I hated every character and it wasn't fun watching them kill each other either. It has no soul. OUATIH is more akin to his first three movies in that it sort of takes place in the real world and relies less on that cartoonish anything goes kind of vibe and just has really good characters.
  15. If Biden/Warren/Sanders wins and we give half the fucks we give when Trump is president, we may see some good things happen. People still have to pay attention and do stuff. They just have to win first. Focus on the winning part for now.
  16. He’s much further ahead in the polls than all the other candidates combined with insight from real experts who know how to win elections that know he is the most viable because of their years of experience getting a read on the electorate.(People Hilary was too proud to listen to) Biden is seen as a return to normalcy and doesn’t have the polarized baggage that Warren or Bernie appear to have to voters who voted Obama and then Trump(they exist, it’s fucking weird.) Basically, there are certain qualities in the Dem party, mostly embodied by Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, etc that only preach to the woke choir and help Trump by making Dems look histrionic and insufferable while being uninformed about a lot of policy they stand behind. They taint the rest and it’s better to stand apart from them. Obama had that Bernie swag when he first ran. Then his presidency happened. It takes winning an election with continued engagement to make things happen and Bernie/Warren may be better in a cabinet position.
  17. A normal president that can replace Trump does not suck and I think he is likely to make necessary improvements to the affordable care act, which is likely all that Warren or Bernie would be able to do anyway. Let me put it this way: If Warren or Bernie win the nomination, we actually have more reasons to be nervous than happy. I’ll be happy if either of them win the general election, though, sure. But now is not the time to gamble with the fate of the country for candidates that won’t end up being all that different once in office. If you want to make Bernie shit happen, you have to at least win an election, and then stay politically engaged with a party that isn’t currently holding the country hostage.
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