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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Paul Blart: Rapist Terminator 2: Fuck Wit Dre Day Titanic 2: This Time It’s A Spaceship That Hits An Asteroid + Inception Batman Begins... The Fucking Keto Diet Game Of Thrones: Titties, Rape, Castration, Gore, Dragons, Incest, and that Witty ass Midget Ni?️?️a + Ed Sheeran Alien 8: Humans Raping Aliens
  2. I loved White Bear, and the episode preceding San Junipero was Shut Up And Dance, which is sort of a retread of White Bear, but still dark and riveting. So when San Junipero started I was like maaaaannnn fuck this hipster shit but then I was completely won over. In a way I see it as: not EVERYTHING social media has changed for us has been bad. For example, it’s easier to keep in touch with people in other countries and reconnect. We have a lot of cynicism towards it but there are a few advantages.
  3. Maybe I'm just a sappy guy, but that San Junipero episode of Black Mirror was actually pretty magical.
  4. No I’m talking about the party’s overall strategy for the midterms. Most of the candidates they put out there were not like AOC.
  5. Democrats took the house because they went a bit more centrist in the right areas.
  6. Things that sound great (Bernie's many ideas) are less popular with real voters than social media makes it seem. He really made things awkward for the dems by using the word "socialism". A really stupid idea, even.
  7. He polls well, and there are a sizable amount of swing voters(weirdly, they exist) that would vote for him over any other dem. His foreign policy would be strong, where Bernie falls flat. He's not going to say "We don't need a border" which is a losing strategy. Even Warren fucks that up, and her policies are doper than Bernie's. I'm not on anyone's team here. There are things we just can't fuck up here if we don't want the country stolen from us by a dipshit treasonous reality TV show host. This is unfortunately a real possibility if dems choose to prioritize the sort of wokeness that pissed people off in the first place. That wokeness is fucking kryptonite and should be nowhere near a debate stage if we really want to see the best outcome here, as weird as that may sound. People from an all white rural area don't care when 14% of America's population(African Americans) are brought up as an example of poverty and desolation, since they can only know their immediate surroundings and that no one cares. The people that get it, clearly get it already. The best possible outcome needs to be tailored for the lowest common denominator too, not just hipster bros in urban areas. I've already fucked this up, but maybe you know what I mean. It's real.
  8. 538 had the highest percent chance of Trump winning out of any poll. And yeah, a 28.6% chance is still quite a chance, since he did win by very narrow margins in key swing states. Probably areas that were most heavily propagandized on social media, if I had to guess. They also nailed the midterms. They are not the only metric to go by, but they are one of the best.
  9. The butter in coffee thing is just a way to kick start ketosis if you're doing the keto diet. You can also use coconut oil or MCT oil, which is made from coconut oil. I've tried it and it was gross. Not worth it.
  10. I'm really glad he made a movie like this. I bet a lot of people will think it's boring, but the characters were the best. That ending gets better every time i think about it.
  11. This is what counts, since social media does not reflect how elections turn out. I think 538 very recently had him polling in 4th place. Biden had a 12 point lead over Warren. If Biden wins the nomination, we'll actually be rid of Trump. Most people just want shit to be normal again. I'm cool with that and being more politically active with a Dem in office who actually works for the US.
  12. Jumbo yum yums that are actually just silicone and nopeness ?
  13. In college, one of my roommates/suite-mates had Rushup Edge on vinyl... but no turntable. He just hanged it on the wall like a picture. Such a fucking loser with one of the most punchable faces of all time.
  14. I'm happy about TOOL on spotify actually, and I kind of like the title Fear Inoculum.
  15. This ain't yo daddy's IDM, this is IDM for skinnydipping with the in-laws. You best come correct
  16. Because you’re less thirsty, more at ease. Your nostrils aren’t flaring, your eyes become 27% less rapey, and you have the comforting odor of acceptance smeared on you. Sort of like how hunters spritz themselves with deer piss. - Bill Nye The Science Guy, PhD
  17. Chosen Lords wasn't a bad idea, since most of the Analord tracks weren't going to be easy for people to physically own anyway. It was a good summary. But I like that you could easily make a Chosen Lords 2.
  18. When I left the theater I thought "hmmm, I need to watch that again" and I look forward to it because of the parts that were really good and in spite of the parts that meandered. I also think there's some clever thematic stuff to connect the dots on more. Plus the LOLS, which were had. I still haven't felt like watching Hateful 8 again.
  19. Sergio Alone Max Von PlayDoh Buzz Harrelson Woody Aldrin
  20. ^ I just got back from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. The movie takes its time, and you feel it. But it's also the least juvenile QT film since Jackie Brown. I was wondering if he would ever make another movie that doesn't take place in the over-the-top cartoonish violence stylized universe that all his movies since Kill Bill have taken place in. I got it and I definitely enjoyed it. I read some reviews that have talked about the Manson family involved climax and they were highly misleading about what actually happens in the movie. They made it sound like there was going to be some gratuitous bad taste, but honestly, I compulsively clapped at one point and the audience was fuckin loving it too. I left with a good feeling, a major upgrade for me after The Hateful Eight, which was my least favorite of his.
  21. I think Pelosi is holding off on impeachment because, weirdly enough, just barging ahead with it now would actually help him politically.(just like when he says blatantly racist things) Once they get his tax returns without the impeachment proceedings, that would give them the green light. There are also much bigger stories approaching. Fucking huge ones. One of them being Psygroup, which is enough to piss off literally everyone in the USA, even Trumptards.
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