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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Biden doesn’t have decades of smear on him like Hilary did. He’s also a Dem that doesn’t have the woke intersectionality stink on him, which makes people vote for Trump and a much bigger factor than a lot of people realize I guess. I realize this may be disappointing, but I am getting this info from someone highly experienced in how DC works and they’ve been 100% dead on balls accurate about everything from the Kavanaugh hearings to the realities of impeachment proceedings and I’ve come to realize that reality and the things we say online and pat ourselves on the back over are not the same. This person is basically conservative, but did some real shit in DC and abroad and made me realize that most of us here have no idea how these voters think, we just have a cartoon of them in our minds, and it is NOT helping. If Bernie or Warren win the nomination, there will be a shit ton of people who will vote Trump just to vote against them, but happily vote for Biden. And it’s just better to win and get Trump out of office while staying politically active. All this “establishment Dem” talk will just get Trump 4 more years. Remember how he won with 80,000 votes spread across 3 states? How liberal do you think those 80,000 people are?
  2. Agalloch has some black metalish screams and some clean vocals. This track is triumphant as fuck imo
  3. Lol you guys. It’s Biden or Trump. It is what it is. Social media is not a good reflection of what the actual electorate thinks.
  4. Watching Joe Rogan talk to Maynard James Keenan about gut flora actually seems relevant
  5. They get more post-rock with A Sun That Never Sets and The Eye Of Every Storm, but these ones will sneak up on you. TEOES is one of my faves. Given To The Rising goes back to being more heavy, and Honor Found In Decay/Fires Within Fires are late-career-but-still-really-good albums.
  6. Nah, a highschool football captain would just straight up teabag a nun and be like "zoinks!"
  7. Neurosis was really good live. Maybe I would have chosen a different setlist, but they made it rule. They closed with Stones From The Sky which was pretty epic. I kept wondering if Scott Kelly was okay.
  8. My brain and heart are waiting for literally anything to matter anymore... so yeah recession!
  9. I do try. I am committed to the ethos and lifestyle of this thread. Mob Barley and the Kalers
  10. She actually looks younger than she did 20 years ago.
  11. I’m about to see Neurosis for the first time. My shitposting will be more enlightened from now on.
  12. For those that like noise music: What was it that made you start enjoying the genre?
  13. I’ll be another voice of approval for a Mark Ruffalo Columbo reboot.
  14. Ok, and the FBI/mothafuckin' police raided his island like what, two days ago? They could've have done that any time. Or maybe there's some legality involving his death that made raiding his island more convenient from the perspective of prosecutors.
  15. Rootin’ Tootin’ hollerin’ knee slappin’ belly rubbin’ Finger lickin’ Toe tappin’ Flim flammin’ stick to your ribs lolly gaggin’ Grab assin’ dick slappin’ mashed taters for ya fellers dagnabbit
  16. In Hollywood? I enjoyed many parts of it and was kind of skeptical mid-watch, but when I left the theater, I wanted to watch it again soon.
  17. I’m not against vocalists. Some of my best friends are vocalists. That said... (feat. Tune-Yards) (feat. Tune-Yards) *untangles from armpit hair and runs*
  18. That’s great n’ all but bitcoin is a big ol’ sin don’tcha know. Oh fer Pete’s sake if you’re gonna dance with the devil’s currency don’t be surprised when those chickens come home to roost there big fella !
  19. I think there’s a lack of compassion for socially maladjusted people. They’ll be pointed to and laughed at so others can be all proud of themselves for not being maladjusted. Several different people who walk by eachother everyday can be in completely different worlds just due to life circumstances beyond their control.
  20. Gun control is only part of the solution. You see, our generation was prepared for adulthood like it was going to be as easy as it was for Gen X or the boomers. Our lives are delayed much, much more than theirs thanks to endless debt. I paid off all my loans and life still feels empty, hopeless, and unenjoyable.
  21. Eh I wouldn't be so sure about that. If he was angry about different things, he could have become an addict, wife beater, or just depressed. Determining what causes extremist violence is a complex study in itself. That said, people do jump to conclusions out of political interest too often, and fail to realize that reality lives in nuance. Oh and we got another one in Dayton, Ohio. 9 people dead. Maybe he was already planning on it and it's a big coincidence. Maybe not.
  22. Calvin & Hobbes was a great comic strip to read as a kid. Pretty funny and top notch illustration. When you read it as an adult it's pure fucking artistic genius.
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