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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Jurassic Parm Jack to the Future Three Mex and a Baby Irreverbible You've Got Jail
  2. I took a three week break recently. I think it helps to do it on vacation where you're away. Keep yourself occupied with a new place so you don't get lulled back into the nugs. That said, I was probably more neurotic and weird than usual during that break, so I dunno
  3. Anyone else get annoyed by this talk of millennials being lazy and entitled? We kinda get dumped on for being dumped on. I worked a crazy schedule and paid off my student loans. Come at me.
  4. You would think that people would start getting uncomfortable somewhere on the way to being morbidly obese and like, eat some fuckin broccoli or salmon instead of entire cows and donuts.
  5. There was one poster who was made uncomfortable by the Scanners exploding head gif. I thought... WTF you fucking child it's a gif from a movie and it is fiction. So I posted it a bunch more and then a mod changed it all to pictures of a Care Bear. A bunch of other posters chimed in to say that they were shocked and appalled by what they had witnessed on the forum, that I could be so insensitive. The overall Bubble Boy vibe of that forum even made me wonder about BoC, like why does their music attract such weenies? I think there is some Bronie overlap on that forum, sad to say.
  6. I watched the first three seasons and it was some really good gangsta drug shit. Stylish too
  7. Mueller waited until he got written answers from Trump to drop this "Manafort is a lying sack of shit" court filing so you know Trump and Manafucked have been "getting their stories straight". I think this is one of those chess moves n shit.
  8. He’s even worse than I thought he’d be and I wasn’t anywhere close to being as cynical of the Republican Party as I should have been.
  9. I had a job interview last week that went well for the first 3/4 then kinda shitty in the last 1/4. In a way I’m sort of relieved I didn’t get the job. I think in the long run I need a different type of job in the same industry and probably should have put my energy towards that in the past year or so. They seemed to think I did things that weren’t actually on my resume because they misunderstood, and then judged me for not knowing enough. Blech.
  10. Somebody told me he was having sex with a prostitute in Amsterdam when this happened and she was like "oh no what is this?" and he freaked out and got tested for Satanic gonorrhea.
  11. I didn't know it was wrong despite my dad campaigning on this exact issue.
  12. Oh and I don't know what I was thinking, 90's Alicia Silverstone > Chloe Grace Moretz. Sometimes they just pick kinda odd looking chicks to be a somebody, like Fairuza Balk.
  13. I kinda agree but this is the movie thread, though it is like one long movie and it's nice.
  14. Agreed. And the whole UK media lapped it up. It's like the nation once again got behind something so obviously shite but desperately needed something to belong to so just ignored its absurdity. I started watching this and loled at how soon the sex scene happened
  15. One of my friends loves pop-punk. Like, he’s a real connoisseur, knows a bunch of obscure bands and everything.
  16. I definitely don’t think Chloe Grace Moretz is ugly. I think she’s more attractive than Alicia Silverstone in her prime. Busy Phillips is someone I would dare call ugly. I rewatched A Beautiful Mind for the first time in many years and it’s like a Lifetime channel movie for old people. Jennifer Connelly tho. I was thinking how even if I was dead broke I’d get her so pregnant and not even GAF
  17. According to that map, Bowahston is fackin’ New Yoaahhk. Go fahk yaself.
  18. Forgive me if I have mentioned this before, but each individual strip of bacon is a single pig butthole.
  19. Static X was when I called bullshit but Korn was pretty legit for a while there.
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