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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. The addition of curry leads me to believe they've done some flavour research. I bet that particular combination works.
  2. 1959 was a slow year. 1960 wasn't even worth showing. Then 1961 onward shit gets real.
  3. It would be fine if I didn't have a show tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to nap at some point.
  4. Why is watching those things topple over so damn funny? Also, why are they always towers? Why not have water spheres just hanging out at/near ground level?
  5. Did Mozart, Beethoven or Wagner have offspring? I do often wonder what happened to the genes of the legends. Like was Mozart's great great great great great nephew thrice removed Bran Van 3000's guitar tech? Would anyone know this? Arguably more of a pointless thought, but I did name three dead celebrities.
  6. Haagen Dazs pineapple, kiwi 'n' pizza crust.
  7. Funny the article mentioned trypophobia in relation to the original pizza photo - that's what it triggered in me too! Looks like a horrible disease. The more artfully designed one looks frustrating due to placement of just one on each slice. I'd cut them into smaller pieces and spread them around more.... and possibly never do it again after trying it. But I would try it once.
  8. The groove to Vortrack is still completely lost on me, but this album is making me quite happy.
  9. Ssssssppppeeeeeeeddddd Ccccrrrrraaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkkkk!!
  10. Before there was nothing. After there was everything. Between is the eternal now.
  11. There is no zero, only nothing. Nothing is everything. Everything is nothing. Is there thing? No.
  12. Officially the jazziest chord, physically impossible to play, but once heard is the inevitable conclusion of all music.
  13. Yeah wtf. Temperature on Earth goes below -20? Shouldn't that kill everyone instantly?
  14. How does the quality of the leak sound? Is it audibly a bad transcoding, or is it squeaky clean? I want to listen, but not if I can hear the mp3-ness of every high-hat.
  15. Some advanced meming in that last block, things that would never be seen or understood by a human 2010. Evolution is real.
  16. Temperature is supposed to drop 20 degrees overnight - whaaaaaaa?? I'm not sure I've even experienced -10 before.
  17. Soooo much crackly clipping on David Bowie's "Bring Me the Disco King" piano track. I wonder why they didn't just rerecord the piano at a lower volume? Sure, the performance is great, but Mike Garson's a virtuoso. I'm sure he could have done 10 takes and they would all be great.
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