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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Er... words people use on a daily basis developing meanings beyond what they meant decades ago is exactly how language evolves. Gay used to exclusively be a common word for happy, sick used to just mean ill... which used to just mean sick... dank didn't have anything to do with weed or memes. All of these are words that were used on a regular basis long before their meanings evolved. Where is this uphill battle you speak of?
  2. I recall hearing as a kid that carrots contain a greater percentage of water than any other vegetable, and thinking that must be bullshit (but I didn't yet have "bullshit" in my vocab). Surely cucumbers must destroy carrots in the water dept.
  3. It did to me for a while, but it's starting to sound normal again. English has always lacked a gender neutral singular pronoun, so I'm glad language is changing to accommodate that.
  4. I used to use "they" as a gender neutral singular all the time when I was in elementary school. Then one day my mom wanted to know what group of people I was referring to, and when she realized I was talking about one friend she got all grammar nazi on me, and I stopped using it as a singular term. Now when I do meet someone who identifies as "they" I have a very hard time getting passed the grammar thing that was beaten into me from childhood. I do try though.
  5. I liked synth arpeggiators before it was cool to like synth arpeggiators.
  6. I don't want to jinks that one. *doesn't wake up ever again*
  7. WATMM has been the only constant in my life since 2005. That and drinking coffee after waking up. Those are my 2 constants of the last 15 years.
  8. A fair point. What if I hate the taste of olives, but enjoy breaking my teeth? Is there nowhere I can buy olive pits with the flesh removed?
  9. Work Drama would be a p good title for a theatre production. Picture Office Space, but without the humour, and on the stage. FWP I just made a pointless observation in the wrong thread.
  10. I use to sell Cutco knives, for a couple weeks. Gave the knife spiel maybe 4 times. Then they wanted me to travel to another city for some Cutco cheerleading seminar, which obviously wasn't going to happen. I think it may have been mandatory? In which case, how I think it played out was I came to the office early in the morning, sat in front of the manager, told her I wasn't going/therefore no longer working for them. To which her response was "just know that this is your failing, not mine!" I was pretty taken aback at how childish she was, and found it really funny/sad. I just said "okay" and left. *they do happen to make the best serrated knives I've ever used. Really excellent knives. I highly recommend them.
  11. Coffee at home is preferable to even the best coffee I've had anywhere else. Starbucks only enters the equation when it's the only thing around (aside from Tim Horton's/McDonald's)... and since they setup pretty much everywhere, this does come up now and then. It's my friend with that less-milk-in-the-latte dilemma though.
  12. I wonder how many pornos have XXXmas in the title. I bet it's a lot.
  13. I just like how stressed out the shoppers around me are when I go xmas shopping. Focus on that and it the task becomes fun. FWP slept in until 2:15pm. That's a bit late imo.
  14. The "buzz" on bandcamp for my last release is greater today than at any other time aside from its debut, while the number of plays is at an all time low (literally 0). So someone(s)'s browsing the hell out of my bandcamp and not pressing play even once. What does it mean?
  15. The reason she was no longer there, is because she is no longer with us. Your rejection of her questionnaire finally pushed her to the tipping point, and, well... she's in a better place now. * pours one out for survey woman *
  16. You can, but the goal here is to get a less milky latte. With the small latte, the ratio of milk to espresso is still more of an espresso milkshake. But it's my friend's ongoing struggle, not mine. Also, they never suggest an alternative thing to order that would accomplish a similar thing. Just "no, we can't pour less milk into the cup." (It's happened at multiple Starbuck's)
  17. Did you know * if you walk into a Starbuck's and order a latte with less milk they will most likely say "I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't do that." Then you say "no no, just do what you normally do, but stop pouring the milk sooner." And then they will continue to tell you it's impossible, with no explanation given. The future is here.
  18. Ever since I saw this album title, I occasionally get this loungey Frank Sinatra clone crooning the following in my head, to mid-tempo swing hi-hat accompaniment: Beee up a hello!/feeeelin' mellow/Beee up a hello!/such a fine fellow! It has a melody too, but that's challenging to convey here.
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