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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Aha. That's where you're mistaken.
  2. Well, Stephen Hawking isn't here to argue his point, but I'm sure he'd have something really good prepared.
  3. Stephen Hawkins said if they were advanced enough to visit they would have annihilated us ages ago. Case closed.
  4. In case you want to get upset: https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/tool-fear-inoculum/
  5. I was at the airport the other day marvelling at how effective those awesome German fitness camps from the 1940's were, and wondering why I can never get those slim 'n' trim results over at the Sleek Physique. I better go back and rewatch those German fitness camp vids to see what just what their secret is.
  6. Does this thread title appear in a Butters voice for anyone else whenever they see it?
  7. Also, a song I recorded for another band is #12 on that same chart.
  8. One of my bands managed to chart in at #2 on a Kamloops radio station (same Country, different city). We played there earlier this summer, and I guess one of the DJs is a fan. We've been climbing up there for several weeks now. Neat!
  9. Geez, and here I thought my wank sessions were drawn out.
  10. Ahahaha I don't disagree with a lot of it. Still need to hear the version with all the extra instrumental pieces.
  11. Wow. That's like a scenario right out of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Absurd/hilarious/unfortunate as you say... or maybe a dose of absurdity is good in these situations, probably for us anyway. I've definitely appreciated the dark comedy side of things surrounding death in my own life. There needs to be a Jekyll-Hyde style emoticon for crying and laughing at the same time. Get on it, Papa.
  12. Curious as to what year this thread shifted from being about existing hipster band name parodies into made up band name parodies. Had I gotten the memo I would have been trashing it up long ago. I do think there should be bonus points for including a parody album name to go with it. Bellend Sebastian *most of their album titles already work in this new context. Penis Peewater Revival - Yellow River ...and on that Dimmu Borgir note: Dummy Burger - Abrahadaburger
  13. Using your freedom to exploit workers in other countries for slave wages is American as fuck.
  14. Had to cut a musician from a project because his rhythm guitar playing was too sloppy. This after a lot of back and forth transferring files from his studio to mine. Guy must have put in a lot of hours because he did several versions before even sending one to me, and then I got him to resend them a couple times due to what I thought was the files being out of sync with the start of the instrumental I sent him. Turns out his playing was just off to the point where I assumed the files were out of sync. Anyway... I think his feelings got hurt, but there was just no way we could use what he did. He did it for free too, as a favour for his friend, my client. Damn skippy. Now my client's got another guy, again with his own home studio, who we're entrusting to play it competently. This project has been so annoying in part because almost all the actual recording has been done by friends of his in their own home studios, and it's a real mixed bag. I'm used to dealing with musicians in person, where I can let them know if they're ahead/behind the beat/out of tune etc. -- oh yeah, these guitars were redone because the files from the other guitarist at the other studio were horribly out of tune. I can only assume the next batch will be in perfect tune/time but with a tone so ghastly as to be unlistenable. Also, never before have I had to devout so much time to email/phone convos as this project... guy rambles like crazy and gets confused by everything. Shudder to think how many unpaid hours have gone into back and forth dialogue that goes almost nowhere. Nice guy though.
  15. Now that's a proper TV theme song.
  16. The open string "duh-duh-duh-duh... duh-duh-duh-duh..." guitar cliches and comedic autotune moments hurt the album a lot for me, along with that signature song ending thing they keep doing. But the drum arrangements are excellent, and I really dig the more psychedelic passages. The way the album kicks off with that really stark sample leading into the organ-like guitar swells is perfect. Their albums always have fantastic intros.
  17. Concerned that Ivan Ooze hasn't posted about the new Kanye album yet. Hope he's doing okay.
  18. I listened last night, though was nodding off during the last track so didn't fully digest it. Invincible is a really interesting track. Jones is branching out a bit more melodically in his playing on that one. Definitely the standout for me. Overall, I thought there were a lot of missed opportunities vocally. So many heavy instrumental sections where he could have let loose, but instead decided to fuck off back to the vineyard. Most of the vocals sounded like an afterthought to me - not much emotion, and way too much autotune, blech. Why? Anyway... Jones relies way to much on just vamping on the low D string, which just makes everything sound generic where it could be exciting. Those parts all sound like self-parody to me. But that aside, there are definitely some really cool moments on there... I wonder what it is that they spend so much time on composition-wise? They must just have a really hard time agreeing on which parts should go where. Hopefully they'll be reinvigorated by this whole thing and keep the momentum alive for another album in the near future. Also yeah, shame about the clipping. I really like how the album sounds overall, but the crackles are completely unnecessary and so easy to avoid. That must have been in the engineering stage. I can't imagine someone with as much experience as Bob Ludwig would let that fly on his end. At least it's not an issue throughout every song... I think there was only one song near the beginning where it happened several times.
  19. Classic theme did indeed fix the issue. I was missing out on some gems!
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