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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Why don't they just straight up worship guns? A gun nailed to a cross made of guns with a gun preaching bullets at the altar. lol awesome. Someone photoshop this plz.
  2. It was me! I said it! (From space.) FWP: had an extremely dangerous old man moment in my car and hit the accelerator instead of brakes while backing up. Luckily my reflexes were quick enough to hit the brakes before any damage could be done to the car behind me. Yikes...
  3. Oh yeah, pour over has been my main method since highschool... though I never knew that was what it's called. To me it was just "I'm making coffee." Moka pot's been a new addition to my life, and the quality of my morning cups have been ultimately more satisfying. It's really just a big espresso though.
  4. After 3 years of writing, recording, and generally getting distracted by other things, my experimental pop project's debut album has finally seen the light of day: https://hushhushnoise.bandcamp.com/ This is the band that managed to score that "band of the month" radio promo thing (which ends tomorrow with an on-air interview/performance).
  5. That thing where you clear a bunch of space on your HD to download a really big zip file, only to realize you have to clear a bunch more space to fucking open it. Fffffuuuuuuuuu
  6. I'm loving this moka pot revolution that's taking place right before our very eyes.
  7. Yeah that always bugged me about French press. Cleaning was always a bit more of a chore too. Moka pot is my preferred method for sure.
  8. It's true about the moka pot... though I still make drip when I'm going to be working for a while because I like to keep going back for cup after cup without any process that takes longer than a minute 93 seconds involved (just remembered that has been my go-to microwave time for a while now).
  9. I usually listen to/comment on about 5 other tracks any time I post one of my own, and if I notice something posted by anyone who left feedback on mine I usually try to return the favour. There's this other site I frequently post remixes on, and I can comment on a dozen other peoples' entries and not get a single response from any of them. That's actually pretty uncommon for most sites where giving feedback is an option. FWP: I need a new creative project to focus on! Aahh! But if I do that I will probably neglect the promotion of all the others like I always do. Double aahh!!
  10. Heheh that time Hitler was reborn as a clothing store.
  11. Billy Graham died on the 21st, aged 99.
  12. Yeah I recommend downloading the mp3s to be sure, because all my files are seamless on the wav and flac versions, but the tick appears on the mp3 download each time (for 1 of 5 such transitions, so pretty good success rate... but 4/5 is still 20% ruined). I'll see about the short fade idea. Thanks for the suggestion.
  13. So I've got this album ready, with several songs that require seamless transitions where the audio overlaps between track X and track Y. I have it so that all transitions are seamless in the wav files. However when I upload it to bandcamp, and bandcamp encodes mp3s from the wav files... the very last transition has this fucking tick. Does anyone know of some trick to avoid that? I've done a lot of trial and error to no avail. Is it just hopeless and the mp3 version of the album has to be fucked right on the last track?
  14. This pretty much turns it into a Depeche Mode song.
  15. This is a rare instance where the shooter didn't either kill himself or get shot by police, so I'm curious to see if there's any kind of insight that can be gleaned from a psychiatric evaluation of this guy... probably not. But my morbid curiosity is piqued regardless. It is sad that if a person wants guaranteed recognition, shooting up a school is the most probable way to get it. Hmmmmmm... maybe there should be some kind of law against releasing the identity of mass murderers? That seems like it would be a greater deterrent than anything else. If someone with that sort of mindset knew that their effort would not even register with society at large, they'd be a lot less inclined to follow through with it. Knowing that they will live on in notoriety by committing such an act must be a pretty big motivator.
  16. Such a good quote. Thank you. This will be the next movie I watch.
  17. ahahaha Pt. 12 is playing now, and it's the same thing. I guess the entire album is sequenced so that it's a seamless dance record, and at some point I got the the downbeat mixed up with the offbeat. My brain finally made the switch as I was typing that last sentence. Fucking finally, geez...
  18. omg guys I am listening to Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt 10 right now and I'm hearing it as the kick landing on the 2 and the snare landing on the 4. I can't hear it any other way, even thought I know it's kick 1 snare 3. Just hit the back button so it's started again, and now I hear the correct rhythm. It's a whole other song. The melody actually made a lot more sense the way I heard it originally. It kind of bums me out knowing that if I made a track where the kick was deliberately on the 2 and the snare was deliberately on the 4, people would still hear it as 1 and 3 because that's the conventional way everyone's accustomed to hearing it. Hmmmmm.... how could one go about creating a song that's deliberately kick 2 snare 4? Is that even possible? Oh shit NY resolution 2018 just happened. lol Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt 11 is now playing and I'm hearing the kick on 2 and 4 again. WTF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeOBnXsRGSs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPZQTeohHQQ
  19. There was some Trump arm-the-schools vid interspliced with incredulous reactions posted in my fb feed, at the end of which was a fantastic speech from a movie. I commented asking what movie the bit was from because I had to see it. Tons of likes for that comment, yet no one bothers to answer the question. Quoting it in a google search didn't help. An excerpt was: ""everyone in the room is now dumber having heard that." Anyone know the reference?
  20. The ticks seem to just be appearing on the mp3s. mp3s do add silence, but the player I use to play mp3s automatically negates those, so seamless audio is always seamless when done right. Most of these transitions did work fine without any trickery on my end. There was just one that wouldn't un-tick no matter where I placed the divide. ... but it's fine on the wav, so... I'm going to hope bandcamp's encoder is better than mine. But I'm using soundforge, which is typically quite good at this sort of thing. Not quite as quite good as Drukqs, but close.
  21. Not that I know of... but if it's a piece of stereo audio the chances of there being a 'zero' are close to nil, no? I'm talking about dividing up two tracks that are merging together, for the sake of seamless album transitions. For some reason the inaudible silence that worked on the wav turned into a "tick" in the mp3 version I encoded... so now I'm paranoid that's going to happen with the bandcamp conversion of the wavs too... fffffffffffuuuuuuuuu
  22. I discovered a trick that allows me to cut a continuous piece of audio in half, then resequence them together with no annoying "tick" sound destroying the perfect transition. I achieved this by inserting a piece of silence so small it is undetectable to the human ear. This way both pieces of audio start at the zero point, thereby extinguishing any chance that vile "tick" has to insert its existence. I have had dumb luck with such transitions in the past, but now I have a flawless method. It should be noted that Ableton's volume automation is not accurate enough to catch such a small piece of silence at the intended marker points. Soundforge however is.
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