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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. what sorta receiver? if its a nice one you could fix it/get it fixed. It's a Pioneer SX-750 (from 1976 or '77) that I found on the street. It was working fine for a couple years, but now the left channel will go out intermittently. Makes it pretty hard to mix my music... My parents have one of these! Aaaaand it also has the same channel problem. But it was good right up into the mid-00's (they've had it for longer than I've existed).
  2. I ate someone else's partially eaten burger for the first time in my life tonight (we're talking 75% of that burger), in addition to my own burger. Both were giant gourmet burgers with things like chorizo, goat cheese, tortilla "strings" and god knows what else. Also, salad and fries. I weigh literally half as much as the next guy (and I don't use literally figuratively). If I explode in my sleep, it's been nice knowing you all.
  3. 24 hours to make a track using only one kick sample and I decided to make it in 13/8 time, because for some reason that's the first place my mind went. Nervous I'm going to listen back tomorrow (with ~5 hours remaining) to discover it's totally fucked up in a bad way.
  4. 4 bit is a track that gets better with every listen. I've always liked it, but it's gone from about a 6.7 to an 8.4.
  5. I have a feeling fruit flies are next to impossible to sample, especially over the hum of my fridge. I have been swatting and feeding them to my cat on occasion.
  6. ultimate fwp but why are you carrying so much cash? gf just gave me her half of the rent... in all 5's and 10's. Her new employer apparently has never heard of $20 bills... and no, she isn't "workin' the streets" (I know you were thinking it, watmm).
  7. Damn, that I bite through it track is killer. I think I may even detect some new parameters hidden away in there.
  8. Thanks for the tips. I probably won't use anything too nasty, as I have a cat to worry about. I wonder if they breed in the sink drain. I mean, they wouldn't last long in there, but maybe long enough to propagate the species while I'm not around. Dicks!
  9. I've been fighting a war against fruit flies in my kitchen for several weeks now, and the population seems to stay at a constant. I set traps, they do exactly what they're supposed to do. I keep the garbage outside so they're not hanging out under my sink. Yet they never fuck off completely, or even mostly. Every other time I've dealt with fruit flies, they've been gone within less than a week of setting traps. I don't understand why this time is different. The battle rages on.
  10. I think that one's my fave.
  11. Alright, so it's finally been engrained in my memory... like almost every part. I think just writing that out made my unconscious mind do some overtime to remember what this track sounds like. Also, the "burp" sample I mentioned has the fizzy sound proceeding, not preceeding it. It's part of what's jogging my memory right now. Shit, this is a fucking cool track. I really think Xmas would have been the perfect album closer, and Aisatsana should have been left off/possibly released on CCAI part 2.
  12. Yeah, same here. This is the track I meant when I mentioned "circlont6a", which is also fucking killer start to finish. There's an abrupt section change somewhere in the middle that always bugs me, but the track resumes its badassery so quickly that I'm quick to forget it. Love the drum programming in that one. It's crazy to think he can bring all these parts together in one take. My assumption with a track this complex is that there must be a ton of edits. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see how this was done.
  13. I can't edit my post anymore, but I just remembered that burp/fizz sound occurs at least twice in 4 bit, so that kills my room mic fantasy. Must actually be part of a sample he's using. (I remember this detail, but nothing about the music surrounding it for some reason, other than the fact that the drum sounds are bit crushed).
  14. Love that track. That one, Syro U73... and Papat4 have been my favorites pretty much since my first listening. He really nailed the arrangements on those ones. There's lots going on to keep things interesting without it ever getting too messy. Minipops and Xmas, while fun to listen to, are so cluttered in parts that it's almost frustrating to hear --makes the composition suffer for me. Also, that piano bit that echos his voice at the end section of Minipops drives me crazy due to that semitone dissonance thing. I thought I could get used to it but I can't. If the piano went down to the major third the way the vocal does it would be so satisfying! That said, he did a great job of finding a way to get all those parts to fit together sonically. The way those two tracks are mixed is inspiring. And the beat that kicks off Minipops is fucking iconic --perfect way to start an album. That may be my favorite sounding drum machine beat of all time. Both of these tracks would be favorites if done just a little differently, and both are compelling in part because of this. Syro (the track) has got to be the funkiest thing he's done. It's like he's channeling Jackson 5 on that one... which is unexpected in a great way. One of my favorite RDJ tracks of any era. Circlont6a is glorious... though it's always kind of upsetting when the harmonious-pad start section gets rudely interrupted by the frog farts (phrase coined by Ivan Ooze... I think?). The track goes some really great and unexpected places from there, but that beginning section deserves its own track, one where the melody gets to breathe and grow. If I could remix one Aphex track, it would be this one. I'm surprised 180db gets such a bad rap. I've always loved the hypnotic detuned synths in that one -for me it evokes a sense of nausea (without the tangible feeling), and a disassociation from reality, sort of like the start of a bad shroom trip. That combined with the huge, dumb club beat is fucking brilliant. It's supposed to be heard at deafeningly loud volumes, with everything shaking. Highly under-rated track! 4 Bit seems to get better every time I hear it, but for some reason I can never remember it when I'm not listening to it. For that reason I always approach it with a sense of curiosity. I'm not sure what it is about it that makes it so elusive to my memory. It's not overly complicated. I wonder what the story behind the burp sample is (sounds like it's preceded by the fizz of carbonation... I like to imagine he was drinking coke near the room mic and decided to have some fun with it). Okay, that's enough Syro rambling. I just listened again earlier today and felt the urge to jot down a few thoughts about it, now that I'm well past first impressions. It's definitely standing the test of time. While I have all sorts of insignificant gripes about this and that aspect of whatever, those imperfections keep the album interesting. There are other albums where I'm satisfied with almost every detail, but I'm less compelled to go back to them.
  15. or they're just trying really hard to get attention because the shit they do is painfully boring the 2 guys who wrote it are generic house music label runners who are attempting to be Vicey and failing Gross.
  16. Songs tend to be lyric/voice driven, so I think they probably just shouldn't be writing about music. I mean, yes there are voice in some tracks, but not in the traditional "song" sense. I think Syro is far more accessible than most of what I consider to be experimental music, so my guess is whoever's writing for fact doesn't really listen to what they're trying to write about.
  17. It's long and has a lot of sounds fading in and out? I don't know, that one's never been a stand out to me, but it has some nice moments. It sounds to me like a jam piece he kept adding bits to over the years. Definitely a cool track, has a very "personal" vibe. I'd be curious to hear some alternate versions (that are more fleshed out than the one on the marchro single). There are so many ways he could have gone with the arrangement, and I suspect he tried a few different ones out before settling on the one he released.
  18. *in response to goiter: Apple-cider vinegar doesn't sound so bad --I associate that with cleaning. Odd smell for a vacuum to produce though. Also, I have never seen a skunk in the flesh.
  19. Ugh, endless retching is the worst. i've had troubles finding a vacuum that is best on wood floors. one day when i have more cash i'll blow it on something fancy My vacuum makes everything smell like cheese for about a half hour. I suppose it's more likely (certainly) something inside the vacuum that's creating the odor when it gets heated up, but it creates the illusion of our carpet become infused with nasty cheese smell. Also, the metal connector piece no longer latches on to the... "floor roller thing" that makes it all possible, so it's a constant battle to keep that from disconnecting from the hose (which inevitably happens several times regardless of how careful I am). The above description took way too much effort. I should stop posting here right after waking up.
  20. i've been binging on corn pops cereal lately, i know it's bad for me, gotta cut that shit out. But you gotta have your pops! I've gone through Corn Pops binge eating phases. These days I'm all Vector, which is actually pretty healthy.
  21. A client just gave me a $140 tip. I'm so used to chasing musicians for money, so this is quite refreshing.
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