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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. There is indeed some top tracks on that soundtrack. I think his best solo work....
  2. I've recently got quite friendly with some new customers of mine. Three guys in their late 50's who have fine taste in wine/beer, film and song. Music wise they into Sabbath, Sex Pistols, PIL, Joy Division, Kraftwerk, Killing Joke, Motorhead, My Bloody Valentine, Jesus & Mary Chain, Sonic Youth etc etc. One of the dudes son is an Aphex Twin fan, but posts on reddit not watmm. Plenty in common, which is nice because these people don't exist much in my world, so to have 3 of them in a room is cool. They asked me for my favourite film list, so we were discussing that for a few weeks. Lol they said 'hey dude there aint much comedy on here' but I said I find comedy a very tricky road to navigate even though I very much enjoy having a laugh. What's the point to this post? Well once they sussed me out they said Yo Wolf Man you gotta watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, you will love it! So I guess that's up next
  3. Have to say that my initial interest in this faded pretty quick. Game Over and the track that sounds (to me) like Chink 101 are fine. If stoned this probs work better. Actress I've always found a bit dull to be honest and can't hear the magic that others hear.
  4. WHO says 160 children a day are being killed by Israel and that 'nothing justifies the horror being endured by the civilians of Gaza'. Hang on a minute, you forgot about The Holocaust? You know that thing that justifies everything they do and without any criticism
  5. Played the first few tracks this morning. Trippy. I like.
  6. Trying to find a place to watch The Shield as it's been on my list for years. Subscribed to Apple because google said it was streaming but have to pay £11 extra a season to watch it. Not a happy bunny. It use to be on Channel 4 but was taken down. Bummer.
  7. warp waarp warrrrp waaarrrp waaaaarp sounds like a mating call of some isolated Indonesian jungle beast with a big hairy dick and a big scary ballsack WWWAAAAARRRRRRP!!!
  8. Ok! Ok! Not the worlds greatest Actress fan, but sometimes you do your duty and listen to the folks around you, press play and turn the fucking sound UP
  9. Listened again this morning. The first two tracks are similar as in they sound like intros. Weird to have two tracks like that, also the beginning of the third track sounds in the same vein. But when the huge drum appears and kicks in on World Outside that to me is when everything starts to become more coherent and move forwards. And from there on in the rollercoaster starts accelerating. I have to say I had a feeling in my bones this morning that I was listening to a 'classic' record. I could be wrong, you know 6am, brain a bit foggy, but it felt good to me. Really good.
  10. Been listening to this everyday this past week. Finding the second half quite spellbinding. The first few tracks I haven't cracked just yet. Seems like an incredible album to be honest and the record I was hoping for after the last few releases. Nice work Mr OPN.
  11. Not sure about 'a bit shit' but agree with 'massively overrated' in my humble opinion.
  12. Matt Frei, who as far as I can tell, is a pretty decent journalist has just sent a report from Tel Aviv saying the beach is packed with Israelis playing volleyball and swimming in the Mediterranean while 38km away he can hear the bombs dropping (which actually can be heard in the background over the radio). Sounds about right. I can actually picture it. Yeah pour yourself a cocktail, celebrate and have some fun while people are getting bombed
  13. Still on Cabinet Of Curiosities it's okay, it's very well put together and looks fantastic but most episodes, if not all them fall flat. I'll probably finish it but having said that I've watched 5 episodes now and they have all had a similar impact. The Outside is easy the best so far.
  14. Quite like the third track, didn't really like the first 2 at all. That's as far as I got.
  15. IF there are any rugby fans here I hope to see England beat South Africa Will be tricky.....
  16. I'm seriously allergic to cats. As in seriously allergic to cats. So I'll probably order a double (do they serve trebles?...) Jamesons Irish Whisky. Straight on the rocks. Cheers barman.
  17. Nothing better than an album that vehemtly divides opinion, so looking forward to listening to this
  18. Need to get into this but just not in the frame of mind for it at the moment, so no point bothering. Hopefully soon. There's no doubt you have to be in a certain mood for this type of music, which actually proves it's top quality. It's a buzz reading so many positive opinions so the sooner the better. Maybe Sunday afternoon (finger crossed).
  19. I wonder what the exchange rate is today? If you wonder, well why does Mr Beer so involved in this, as he's not usually so political. Well first I'm not as stupid as you may think, though I am definitely not 'academic'. To cut a long story short (I say that phrase a lot) I had a lot of contact with many, many Israelis for 6 months. And I started to look into many things, as most of them and the way they conducted themselves, simply put, made me hate them. I mean certain Muslims aren't exactly the number one flavour of the month are they. But I started to realise and read up on the situation. I then realised pretty quick, and which I find absloutely vile, that they use the big situation of WW2 as a mechanism to do exactly as they please, and to avoid any criticism whatsoever, and if you dare criticism them, then you off with your head. Anyway, you can bet I detest those Hamas bastards just as much. But it's the way Team Jew use the H word as an excuse to do exactly as they please, is what makes me vitriolically oppose them, and what makes me Team Palestine. I think that's a kind of weird post, but it's how I feel. Right or wrong.
  20. I don't have Twitter so can't see but I was gonna post this up last night after I watched it because it's absolutely genius. It's definitely worth everyone's time. 14 million views and counting...
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