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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. DAMN. I was actually gonna post that Field Marshal Ooze should check this out but I forgot! True story
  2. Odd. I'm pretty sure I haven't heard both these albums, totally passed me by. I guess back in the day I was saving up my money and buying records (remember them days) by Aphex, Autechre and the odd thing by BOC as they don't release any fucking music. True story.
  3. Hate to be pessimistic but this is gonna kick off big time. No way will Israel put up with this. Wouldn't be surprised if Iran get a dose as well, seeing as they're already saying they are well happy with it. I should add, as I don't really get involved in political discussion, that I am normally pro Palestine, just in case you get the wrong idea.
  4. Missed this first time round. When I was between 11 and 15 (and a few times over the years when we all grew up) our family holidays were spent at a farm in St Florence which is in the county of Pembrokeshire. It's a beautiful costal county of South Wales. Very similar to Cornwall. As a youngster as a scout we use to go trekking many times to The Brecon Beacons/Black Mountains. Again very beautiful. I could tell a few stories but I'm Thursday tired but one in particular is well know which me and my mum and sisters still talk about (my father passed away a long time ago but would no doubt agree). When I first heard when young we were going to Pembrokeshire....I tell tomorrow... got things to do....
  5. Wise words. Tbh it made laugh, not as in laughing at kids getting shot but as in the difference between what's considered crazy in Yorkshire and what would be considered crazy in St Louis.
  6. I once took waaaay too many mushrooms and took a bullet train right into an apocalyptic nightmare (yes the one when real demons are coming out the walls to drag you into Hell) and I also could of killed a bunch a people that night. But have no recollection of it. (The killing).
  7. Real stupid thing to do, nicking stuff from a shop. The embarrassment, shame and consequences it could of had on me if I'd been caught would be too much for me to cope with. It's not that I couldn't afford it, I just did it because I thought 'fuck it'. A moment of madness.
  8. You can snooze through this if you like. Just reporting in for duty. Finished Andor. Was very good. Sometimes I couldn't hear what the fuck was going on because of mumbly worldwide accents. Was also pissed that Forest Whittaker did a disappearing act because the 10 minutes he was on screen was electrifying. Serkis was amazing too. Can't believe I was gonna bin it on episode 3, would of been a big mistake. The Bear was in the bin, then out the bin and is now firmly back in the bin. Watched episode1 of Series 2 and I just fucking hated it even more. Don't give a shit about any of the characters, don't give a shit about the story line, don't give a shit about chefs, don't really give a shit about restaurants
  9. Yeah. Pretty fucking cowardly thing to do. Pathetic.
  10. I think I have reaccess the whole 'immune from anxiety' observation. When I use to post up all the beerwolf stuff, when I was high as a kite, drunk as a beast lord or dwelling in the comedown twilight zone of those two poles it was kind of amusing and I enjoyed having a character I could hide behind. But when sober and glimpsing it, it would be as amusing as chewing on glass. I kind of glad I left that all behind to be honest. The odd drunk post is fine, but acting like a fucking psycho and gibbering on about Goat Skull Clans and the limpet festooned dick of Fish Beast Man and his savage one man war against Estuary Dwelling UFO Lizard Men got a bit old. Or did it?
  11. I may of mentioned this a few months back but my fishing clubs now have private Facebook accounts which is very handy, so I fired up my old account (last post was on my wall was something like Facebook Is Witchcraft And Should Be Burned At The Stake!!!! and it was 2010/11) I have dipped my toe in the water a little, but to be honest I see it like I'm a Gremlin and sunlight. Keep away to be honest. I think it's just a weird place and makes me feel quite uncomfortable, almost anxiety inducing (and I never suffer really from anxiety). There's a couple of old friends who post up everything about their lives (and thought processes) who are trying to tempt me to the dark side. But I won't go there, I just don't need that shit in my life and filling my head up with noise. However I just say hello, a nice picture and a few short paragraphs as I don't wanna appear rude, even that creates a slight buzzy white noise in my head. I'm quite sure that a lot of the old Facebook mob don't post much anymore, I think the pandemic may of wiped their social media activity down a lot. I dunno. I keep away. Fishing chat with fellow anglers is fine though and I feel very comfortable doing that, but I stay out of heated debates which on rare occasions can erupt, though it always ends up pretty peaceful. If I feel some slight anxiety to the whole thing and I'm pretty anxiety proof what would it do to young kids or people not so immune? Scary stuff.
  12. Timely bump. I've also been playing this the last couple of months. Still great.
  13. And look on the bright side at the Royal Festival Hall I won't have to put up with a fucking gazzillion goons who decide to leave 10 minutes after the main set starts, 5 gazillion goons who leave halfway through, and 20 gazillion goons who turn up halfway through. Pushing right in front of my face.
  14. London date is Royal Festival Hall, so it will be all seated, glass of wine (maybe two) and well behaved. Which actually I prefer nowadays. Aphex and Autechre shows there were pretty ace. Sometimes I get confused with Barbican and Royal Festival Hall. Same kinda thing. For certain there won't be a load of degenerate dimwits shoving cocaine up their nose in the bog.
  15. True story Sir Alcofribas, I don't think I ever disagreed with anything you say. But I think this is it. This is the time. However by my own admission I can prematurly start fizzing at the gills with excitement over somethings that in the long run don't pan out as expected. That can be down to my mood when I sit and listen. And I'm in a 8.5/10 mood today. So I could put on a Taylor Swift album and started punching the sky with Devil Horns!!! Flol
  16. I just played the top 3 most played tracks on every release (Spotify gives the data on any track over 1000 plays) which would give at least an idea on how to start. If I liked all three I'd play more. One of worst of the series was CYCLES, yet even there I found one gem on number 12. Then they would be an album like Spectrum Analysis which every track would have have multiple thousand plays up to 20,000 plays so you know the whole album is solid. I've said before how the number of plays per track is a so simple but so great feature on Spotify, it's a simple way of gaining insight into an impenetrable artists best tracks. Say for example you wanted to get into Frank Zappa (or Autechre!) this is the best shortcut available to get there. Though of course it's not 100% foolproof.
  17. Noticed The Hurt Locker is on BBC iPlayer so I'll watch that tonight. Seen it when it came out and thought it was a classic. Definite rewatch potential.
  18. Wow, she's sexy. That's one for the Wank Bank Cheers Mr Ooze
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