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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Stock


    Lol how is it even possible for a label like Warp to screw so badly one of their biggest artist's release?? I wanted to stream Blackbox on repeat the whole afternoon but guess I'll have to wait. Also weird not to have options to pre-order the 12" right now
  2. Stock


    So 4 tracks EP incoming, I don't think it will lead to a fully fledged LP, Collapse had similar scale advertising and yet it was an EP. Anyway I'm very excited, can't listen to the title track right now but pretty sure it will blow my mind !
  3. The whole reddit shitshow is both entertaining and sad to witness. I have been extensively using a 3rd-party app (Reddit Sync) for the past 7 years, and this is what made the website enjoyable to me. I love how the users are fighting against the CEO, in a very reddit-y way, ironically (the blackout was a thing, but recently moderators of /r/InterestingAsFuck enabled posting NSFW content which is a great blow dealt to reddit's frontpage). This made me delve deeper into the Fediverse, I am currently testing Kbin as a reddit alternative and it works well. The size of the community and overall kindness make it a very pleasant place. Quitting Reddit also led me to rediscover what I loved about WATMM - the only place on the Internet that really never disappointed me and will forever hold a special place in my heart
  4. Could be the name and artwork of the next Orb album tho
  5. Stock


    I fully agree, I don't think it's a matter of wearing the right pants, but rather of just getting older sadly !
  6. Club to club festival were the Chre played last year !
  7. Summer 23 is gonna be awesome, first the Aphex tracks/speculation and now this ?
  8. Stock


    Yeah, or just fly a blimp over London to advertise the thing idk
  9. Stock


    I guess it's disappointing for people attending Sonar and hoping to come back home with the exclusive vinyl, but at least everyone who attended the show will be able to get the thing, it doesn't look that bad from the outside. (but I don't even understand what's going on right now with the 3D things, QR code etc )
  10. Mixl2 was one of this forum's members whom I felt I had the strongest bond to: he felt very genuine and authentic, and seeing him pop in various topics or in CHATMM always put a smile of my face. Thank you very much for letting us know, my sincere condolences to friends and family. RIP, Mixl2.
  11. Solo Electric Bass 2, genuinely loved the first. Also I'm glad to read that people seem to enjoy more and more Just A Souvenir. It was the album that got me into Squarepusher (and then into Warp Records), and I was so surprised to see people were hating it so much on WATMM lol
  12. I can't help but think that he woke up one morning and thought "You know what ? Fuck Cheetah I hate this EP" while breakfast was cooking
  13. I beat Tunic few weeks earlier, the overall design and all the hidden stuff really blew me away - think Outer Wilds, but with an gameboy era Zelda-like gameplay. After that, I decided to give Hollow Knight another chance. I did not really enjoy it the first time around, mostly because I played it from time to time and thus quickly got lost. Started a new playthrough and already burnt 20h, I'm quite deep in the game but feel like I have so much more to uncover. It's a blast to play while I wait for Tears of the Kingdom !
  14. Did you try the beta ? I'm tempted to buy it but barely touched Diablo 3, and bought the Diablo 2 remaster full price without even playing it
  15. Yeah as of right now you can play NES Metroid, Samus Returns on GameBoy emulator, Super Metroid on SNES emulator. Those are available from the basic online program, and if you go the extra mile with the "expansion pack" you can play Fusion on the GBA emulator. Zero Mission has not been announced yet but it would be a shame if they didn't add it !! Anyway, you can now play every single 2D episode of Metroid on the same device which is quite cool imo ?
  16. Metroid Fusion has been added to the GBA emulator of Nintendo Switch Online. Finally playing my favorite game again after years (I traded my cartridge with a friend in school ). Surprisingly, I still remember most of the path. Hope I will finish the game before the 2 hours mark !
  17. Did you order them from Bleep ?? I thought taxes post-Brexit for a shipment from UK to EU were cheaper !
  18. I don't think so, the vocoder everywhere sound just like the one Herbie Hancock used on the Sunlight album, I think just as the rest of the album, the vocoder tries to perfectly recreate/emulate the 70's/80's studio sound as mentioned by alco. As for the potential reunion : Bangalter has a solo album of modern classical music coming out in a few weeks, I hope they will keep on making projects beside the Daft Punk brand. I'm fond of their respective output (especially the extremely repetitive french house of the Crydamoure label)
  19. Feels like their major is just raking in the money after they disbanded in 2021. The Homeworks re-release with remixes and B-sides was quite cool, but this one feels cheap. Will check the bonus tracks when they drop but certainly not buy the physical product. That being said, I gave RAM a proper listen from start to finish few weeks ago and I still really like that album. As years go by, the nostalgia factor towards those tracks is kicking it haha.
  20. Well this 10mn DnB single is no Tundra but it's still a very pleasant ride.
  21. Actually most of my friends know I listen to Autechre but call it "music made with a washing machine". Although I noticed today, in a mainstream french "essential vinyls" catalogue two Ae albums (well, Incunabula and Tri Rep but still!!)
  22. I'm currently extremely obsessed with The Witness. Yesterday I woke up suddenly remembering the pattern of a tough puzzle, and I suddenly knew how to solve it, had to take notes on the spot. Can be quite problematic during work hours
  23. I've listened to this album here and there the past few weeks, but even though I know how cheesy the trumpets in Wondergan sound, everytime it starts it really puts me out of the mood and I ask myself how a tune from the Theme Hospital soundtrack ended up in my Spotify queue.
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