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Mental illness is demonic possession


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let in the demons!  nsfw?

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Edited by ignatius
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The idea of possession and exorcism is, in many ways, ridiculous. Surely all those demons and spirits belong to the collective imagination of less enlightened times—to the mud and dungeons of Dark Age paranoia?

Perhaps so. But why does the idea of exorcism linger so insistently, along with all those other quasi-religious superstitions including Halloween, traditionally the day of remembrance for souls yet to reach heaven? It seems we have an instinctive cultural sense that spirits are kind of hanging around somewhere. Is it so surprising that one or two of them should turn out to be a bit nasty?

Or maybe it’s the fault of one particular film. As Joseph P Laycock, the editor of a deeply unsettling new volume of accounts describing exorcisms throughout history, explains: “In the modern US, exorcism was once extraordinarily rare.” However, “All of this changed after 1973, when The Exorcist created a massive demand for exorcisms. Evangelicals and Pentecostals were already positioned to cater to this new market.” Other, more recent cultural phenomena have also piqued the appetite for exorcism. One Catholic priest has argued that “more exorcisms were needed than ever before, because cultural trends such as yoga and the Harry Potter franchise were leaving millions vulnerable to demonic influence.”

The insatiable human appetite for exorcism (Prospect)


Let it be explicitly known that I don't subscribe to the idea of demonic possession, and all my atypical psychological traits are due to physiological and/or chemical neurodivergence. It's tempting to ascribe abnormal psychology to woo-woo things like possession, especially when dealing with traits that define someone as bad, evil, or (harrumph) diabolical - it's difficult to understand why people do extremely evil things, and mundane explanations are boring - demons, spirits, possession etc. are more interesting to most people than various neuropsychopathologies.


Edited by dcom
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I see fear as a cause for the imagination of demons (and monsters), both created by the brain.
The more important thing to me is how one handles or copes with their fear or the cause of the fear itself.
Some people might experience or might have experienced similar fears as ones own.
Asking advice or accepting help from ones family or even a professional is not a bad thing imo.
Creating an alternate world with demons everywhere seems more like escapism to me, I'm sorry to say so.
Instead it might be an idea to search for the why and how.
Anyway these are just my thoughts on the matter.
I do wish you the best.

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