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In a world where everyone is talking about Spaces How V, elyc6 0nset and pendulu hv moda.. 

... There is one track that is flying under the radar! It doesn't seem talked about at all and I want you guys to blast this track very fucking loud! 
I prefer headphones but do whatever u want. 

Easily top 5 of Ae tracks Ive been blasting last weeks! It is huge! Get u in the totally right mood! 🖤


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1 minute ago, toaoaoad said:

Sean pls tell us how to pronounce this one

if it's in french then it's Faeh

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Easily among my 200 ae top tracks depending of the day or the climate. But seriously I love this track

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Easily one of the best tracks on Elseq. The sound at 1:15 is amazing. 

5:09 too, always make me think of a bundle of matches being struck, but inside a giant cavernous space and with a huge multicolored flash.

Thanks for reminding me of this track, will lash it on on my train to work tomorrow 😎

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On 6/29/2024 at 3:25 PM, cern said:

In a world where everyone is talking about Spaces How V, elyc6 0nset and pendulu hv moda.. 

... There is one track that is flying under the radar! It doesn't seem talked about at all and I want you guys to blast this track very fucking loud! 
I prefer headphones but do whatever u want. 

Easily top 5 of Ae tracks Ive been blasting last weeks! It is huge! Get u in the totally right mood! 🖤



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Good spot on the reference. 
It's the "-aeux" that makes the word look funny, as compared to the usual "-eaux". I presume the intention was to put an "ae" in there :cisfor:

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Definitely my most played track once the dust settled after elseq - would blast this while driving to work particularly 

Too many great elements to mention: the stuttering cicada, the four on the floor, the bungee bass that takes over the track,  etc…

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