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Guest brianellis

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For now, I'm doing what I must but am certainly open to recommendations; Can anyone offer any advice on stands?




Nice keyboard Kcinsu--are the keys fully weighted?

Edited by Dementia
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Guest tv_party

I bet if you mental vampires stopped sucking and deleted these artist subforums and gave some space he might put something out there.

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Guest Glass Plate

so any ways, I was thinking I will have a lot of new gear done soon, and I will take pictures, and make electronic music to go along with it.

Edited by Glass Plate
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Guest 277: 930-933
ive actually been using the wii controllers as midi controllers for a while now. theres an
and therell be another one from last friday up soon. i was actually thinking of doing a 'talking at camera' demonstration as most of the wii-midi vids on youtube are quite wank.


btw, the above setup is my new post-manifest sounds rig. ive got none of my hardware/ circuit bending/ toys with me as i dont have room for it. pretty much splashed out all my wages on a new macbook, some monitors, a cheap lcd with vga input tv and a graphics tablet (which aside from graphic design work, doubles up as a very versatile kaoss pad).


I wonder how much electronic music artists who do live performances will have bad backs in a few decades.

My guess is, quite a few...

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I'm totally investing in a stand for doing live shows. its retarded how often I see people given short ass tables, and have to bend over. I'm 6'5... my back would be dead in like 5 minutes.

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Guest hahathhat
I wonder how much electronic music artists who do live performances will have bad backs in a few decades.

My guess is, quite a few...


i was drawing intensely for hours last night, my neck was killing me, my special friend gave me a massage i took an advil and everything was better. probably works for clark n james n jenkinson just as well




urge to troll rising

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Guest greenbank
I wonder how much electronic music artists who do live performances will have bad backs in a few decades.

My guess is, quite a few...


i was drawing intensely for hours last night, my neck was killing me, my special friend gave me a massage i took an advil and everything was better. probably works for clark n james n jenkinson just as well




urge to troll rising

urge to abandon ship and embrace new forum rising...


a world where electronic music is not used to describe decent music and people post stuff that's useful/informative/interesting? hmmmmm.. maybe it does exist.

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16 channel mackie mixer

cheap mic


a casio sk1 connected to

tape recorder ( for sampling)

little speakers for monitoring tape recorder

all this into audiophhile 24/96

and arranged in sony acid pro 7.0



thinking about sampling my nanoloop, just have to plug it into the tape recorder and record onto tape

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