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movies. good ones. seriously.


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Guest awkwardsilence

"Taken" with Liam Neeson.


Picked it up out of boredom, not knowing alot about it, and well, it kinda floored me. It's action in the style of the Bourne movies, fast and hard, but with kind of a special agent on a personal revenge quest.


Also, it helps that it was written by Luc Besson. You could almost say it's a modern companion piece to Leon the Professional, only it's more clear cut, straight to the point, action focused.

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taken was a bad movie and you know it


i watched 30 days of night yesterday and i have to say i rather enjoyed it. not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it kind of reminded me of the thing (in setting/atmosphere) probably the best modern vampire movie ive seen.


Man... I thought I knew you...


well, shadow of the vampire and let the right one in were both better. i typically hate vampire movies.

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taken was a bad movie and you know it


i watched 30 days of night yesterday and i have to say i rather enjoyed it. not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it kind of reminded me of the thing (in setting/atmosphere) probably the best modern vampire movie ive seen.


Man... I thought I knew you...


well, shadow of the vampire and let the right one in were both better. i typically hate vampire movies.


30 days was good. that "Let the Right One In" is really good too. I am all for vampire movies if they are done well (not that twilight buffy the vampire slayer puke).

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my friends and i keep track of what we watch here; take heed


(i'm glucode)



I've been prodded by someone more human than I that this is an 'anomalous weirdness' of a post, and that it would be much better to actually describe my tastes and what I've been watching lately... and I have to agree. I forget how I come off sometimes. Well, okay, so


I just watched this Chris Marker flick called le Joli Mai.


Chris Marker is a french writer/director who has been active since the 50s and is still going. He makes all sorts. He made le Jetee which inspired 12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam. He made Sans Soleil/Sunless, which is an extremely lush and compelling narrated documentary essay film... it's "pretty IDM". Features synthesized ambient noise on the soundtrack and an oldschool 80s VIDEO synthesizer for many sections. The colors mystify the eye while the utter poetry of the script as read in english by a woman with a mesmerising voice captivates the ear. for me it was like my brain was having sex with the wall (i have a sweet projector)


Anyway joli mai is cool too, i'm spent.


other favorite directors: mike leigh, jon jost, john cassavetes, andrei tarkovsky, robert bresson... ozu, jodorowsky, almereyda, dreyer, mark rappaport, su friedrich, wong kar wai, jim jarmusch, charles burnett, dziga vertov, antonioni, tom noonan



yeah, yeah.. suck my ball, i'm just saying what i like...


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who here is a fan of the film 'come and see'? i havent seen it in four or five years, but it has always stayed with me..

the use of steadycam in that film is on par with kubricks..



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who here is a fan of the film 'come and see'? i havent seen it in four or five years, but it has always stayed with me..

the use of steadycam in that film is on par with kubricks..





i just heard about this a few days ago actually, it's on the short list... that cover pushes it up on line actually, shit.

didn't know it was as bad as all that.

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more binge


throne of blood, hana and alice, harakiri, samurai rebellion, ip man and rule number one


still have imprint, vital, the hidden fortress, twilight samurai and heavenly forest to watch, fuck yeah good times


Now I'm gonna have to go find a copy of The Hidden Fortress to watch again. No one uses the widescreen frame as well as Kurosawa did.

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i just got through watching 'michael clayton' and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. really well acted and directed, i have no complaints.. it bugs the shit out of me that hbo refuses to show their stuff in widescreen tho

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im at the end of hannibal right now. well acted (aside from juliane moore - boring and no southern accent) and well directed, i just dont think the storys there. overall im disapointed. i find that ridley scott is either really good or complete shit, but in this case hes just competent.

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on a side note, nearly all japanese movies are shit. and pretending to like them dosent make you interesting or special.


thank you for saying this



let the right one in [...] better


"Let the Right One In" [...] really good [...]


needs more hate

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im at the end of hannibal right now. well acted (aside from juliane moore - boring and no southern accent) and well directed, i just dont think the storys there. overall im disapointed. i find that ridley scott is either really good or complete shit, but in this case hes just competent.


blade runner was ok te rest was shit, with that said i think the hannibal franchise has gone downhill since 1999 just look at the brilliant and belivable acting performance of brian cox in manhunter and compare it to anthony hopkin's parodic performance in red dragon .....i rest my case

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brian cox was great in manhunter but he wasnt in it very much. i still love hopkins' performance in silence of the lambs...


as far as ridley scott is concerned.. alien was good, as was american gangster.. thats all i can really think of. maybe parts of gladiator..

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i watched 300 for the first time last night


it's a very odd feeling to be VERY familiar with a very popular meme for AGES before encountering the source material when you spend as much time on internets as i do.


anyway it looked great and some of the comic frame -> storyboard frame -> movie scene kinda things were good.

but besides that?


*takes a deep breath*




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god i hated that film. only saw it once and was high as shit so i dont remember much. tho i remember enough to know it was a waste of a good high...

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1 *half an hour of exposition*

2 *homoerotic man shouting: WE ARE GOING TO ATTACK THIS GUY!!!

3 *10 minute slo-mo scene of scantily clad guys grappling*

4 *some important dude gets hurt*

5 *dramatic silence, dark ambient soundtrack with 'ethnic' elements*

6 *five minutes of exposition*

7 *repeat from step 2, with maybe extra monsters or something until end of movie*

8 *10 minute epilogue*

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back to good ones. seriously.


- La Decima Vittima [The Tenth Victim] (1965)

- jäniksen vuosi (1977)

- sunday bloody sunday (1971)

- romantic englishwoman (1975)

- groove tube (1974)

- magic christian (1969)

- papillon (1973)

- play for today - nuts in may (1976)

- get carter (1971)

- bis ans ende der welt (1991)



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