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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Your completely missing my point, I was mostly disagreeing with Impotent White Capitalist while declaring that whether cops nice or not he still has to enforce some pretty lame laws like anti marijuana laws (completely retarded laws)... Ive smoked weed like 10 times max in the last 6 months by the way. I have never been someone most people would consider a stoner. I wasn't denouncing all laws just the stupid ones. Its really stupid that the only drugs that are legal are the ones that they have figured out how to tax. There's far too many people in prison for victimless none violent crimes.


I do not hate all cops, I do not hate all laws and I'm definitely no stoner, it was a pretty strong coincidence that I was high when I responded to that.

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Guest tht tne

Candid shot of tht tne:




That's what happens when you diss Mitch Murder and I in the same sentence.


you really got me there, h.p. sneakstep

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I lol'd when I saw that this was my most recent pic. The frontman for one of my bands took it to promote our new shirts and did funny things with it.

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Guest ansgaria



I lol'd when I saw that this was my most recent pic. The frontman for one of my bands took it to promote our new shirts and did funny things with it.


With that mouth you look a lot like Malcolm McDowell did in A Clockwork Orange. Just putting it out there.

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oh god...i was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. leaving through a friends back gate after smoking. cops with flashlights tell me to stop where i am. turns out my friends sister who's house i was leaving broke into the neighbors house with her stupid friends that night... i got searched, found my weed, thus the half stoned, half awake mug shot... what a dick head of a cop, just like the rest of them.


Yes, of course he's a dickhead for doing his job and busting you and doing his job. :rolleyes:



pretty much, it's the rules that are dickhead, not some underpayed public servant with the gae job from hell.


all cops that enforce retarded unjust laws are kind of guilty by association though. I definitely am not bold or ridiculous enough to conclude that all cops are dick heads but... nearly everything in life is choice and you reap the rewarding or pay the price for all your personal choices. Cops make the choice to enroll in a career that has them enforcing retarded unjust laws. There's an inequity be committed simply by police officers enforcing laws that while they didn't create they are choosing to help materialize.


(EDIT:I really tired stoned and was too lazy to types good)


Yeah, bro, fight the machine.



Why the fuck are so many of the members on this board stoners? :trashbear:

A lot of people who listen to trippy music do drugs. Braindance is (often) quite trippy. :sorcerer:

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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

don't misunderstand what I said as a misdirection of anger. i'm going to hate the position, as well as the mentality of your average cop regardless of his/her true personality, it's the fact of working for the state and being the unjust, fucked up muscle for the state that will always piss me off. the sister is a young idiot who thought she could throw a party at the empty neighbors house, until the house got completely trashed, so yes it's her fault and i made sure she realized that and that she is a fucking retard. still, i hate cops, always will, and that's it.

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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

don't misunderstand what I said as a misdirection of anger. i'm going to hate the position, as well as the mentality of your average cop regardless of his/her true personality, it's the fact of working for the state and being the unjust, fucked up muscle for the state that will always piss me off. the sister is a young idiot who thought she could throw a party at the empty neighbors house, until the house got completely trashed, so yes it's her fault and i made sure she realized that and that she is a fucking retard. still, i hate cops, always will, and that's it.

I didn't think that your anger was misdirected, just maybe like delet said, look at it from their point of view? And personally, even having grown up in a poor area with a working class background and few privileges, I don't hate the police. I feel more resentment towards people who break laws that interfere with my own ability to live my life as I see fit (having had a few kickings and been burgled) than the coppers who pick up the shit afterwards. 'Muscle of the state'? You'd prefer to anarchy or even lawlessness? I suspect (as much as I can over the internet, and I've no reason to have anything against you) that people like you or I would be the first to go up against the wall. And if that sounds like I'm some mindless drone bending over for the man, well show me another way to live that doesn't involve living on a kibbutz and I'll take it.

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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

don't misunderstand what I said as a misdirection of anger. i'm going to hate the position, as well as the mentality of your average cop regardless of his/her true personality, it's the fact of working for the state and being the unjust, fucked up muscle for the state that will always piss me off. the sister is a young idiot who thought she could throw a party at the empty neighbors house, until the house got completely trashed, so yes it's her fault and i made sure she realized that and that she is a fucking retard. still, i hate cops, always will, and that's it.

I didn't think that your anger was misdirected, just maybe like delet said, look at it from their point of view? And personally, even having grown up in a poor area with a working class background and few privileges, I don't hate the police. I feel more resentment towards people who break laws that interfere with my own ability to live my life as I see fit (having had a few kickings and been burgled) than the coppers who pick up the shit afterwards. 'Muscle of the state'? You'd prefer to anarchy or even lawlessness? I suspect (as much as I can over the internet, and I've no reason to have anything against you) that people like you or I would be the first to go up against the wall. And if that sounds like I'm some mindless drone bending over for the man, well show me another way to live that doesn't involve living on a kibbutz and I'll take it.

all interactions i've had with cops have been condescending, even when i've been serving them at work, they're trained dicks. i say, live how you wish, if you grew up in a capitalist society then you have bend over for the man one way or another, it's the extent of it that is your choice. i work part time/full time and go to school (though im not going currently and deciding whether to ever go back) i support myself and live in a one roomer and that's the extent of it for me. if i could, i'd start hitchhiking to canada and live in he fucking woods, i don't know, its all about being at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing, imo. right now my friends and family are keeping me here, the pressures of the state aren't so bad as to run off forever, but they're bad enough to call the cops dick heads and always think so.

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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

don't misunderstand what I said as a misdirection of anger. i'm going to hate the position, as well as the mentality of your average cop regardless of his/her true personality, it's the fact of working for the state and being the unjust, fucked up muscle for the state that will always piss me off. the sister is a young idiot who thought she could throw a party at the empty neighbors house, until the house got completely trashed, so yes it's her fault and i made sure she realized that and that she is a fucking retard. still, i hate cops, always will, and that's it.

I didn't think that your anger was misdirected, just maybe like delet said, look at it from their point of view? And personally, even having grown up in a poor area with a working class background and few privileges, I don't hate the police. I feel more resentment towards people who break laws that interfere with my own ability to live my life as I see fit (having had a few kickings and been burgled) than the coppers who pick up the shit afterwards. 'Muscle of the state'? You'd prefer to anarchy or even lawlessness? I suspect (as much as I can over the internet, and I've no reason to have anything against you) that people like you or I would be the first to go up against the wall. And if that sounds like I'm some mindless drone bending over for the man, well show me another way to live that doesn't involve living on a kibbutz and I'll take it.

all interactions i've had with cops have been condescending, even when i've been serving them at work, they're trained dicks. i say, live how you wish, if you grew up in a capitalist society then you have bend over for the man one way or another, it's the extent of it that is your choice. i work part time/full time and go to school (though im not going currently and deciding whether to ever go back) i support myself and live in a one roomer and that's the extent of it for me. if i could, i'd start hitchhiking to canada and live in he fucking woods, i don't know, its all about being at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing, imo. right now my friends and family are keeping me here, the pressures of the state aren't so bad as to run off forever, but they're bad enough to call the cops dick heads and always think so.

Well I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and honestly as well. I'm not trying to flame as I've got no reason to, but our experiences are different, I worked in the emergency services (not Police) in the UK and had a different working relationship with the fuzz to you. Yeah, some of them as individuals seem like utter bellends, no argument. But those same 'muscles of the state' that you describe have to deal with women who have been beaten and raped, children who have been abused, and no end of people doing unspeakable shit to each other on a daily basis. And then they have to come to people like you (and yeah, the implication is that the discreet and personal use of weed is a completely different world and by comparison much less harmless). Two things I would say are that, firstly, yes OK, people have a choice whether or not to become a copper and if they do they need to accept that such shit is what they signed up for. But secondly, if those people choose different jobs, who is there to address the needs of the victims of genuinely serious crimes? Maybe I'm more naive than I like to think, I dunno.


EDIT: And we're living in different countries, of course.

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Here's me at the Speakeasy Brewery in SF for their anniversary.






And here's a blurry photo of my wrestling with one of the neighbors in the parking lot.



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I'm with the deletr on this one. Impotent doodah, So your mate's sister broke into someone's house, they nick you for coming out of her house and find weed on you, and then wonder why they don't look kindly on you. I'd be more fucked off at her than the fuzz. And have you ever been burgled and lost pretty much all your shit of value which you worked your bollocks off to buy in the first place?

don't misunderstand what I said as a misdirection of anger. i'm going to hate the position, as well as the mentality of your average cop regardless of his/her true personality, it's the fact of working for the state and being the unjust, fucked up muscle for the state that will always piss me off. the sister is a young idiot who thought she could throw a party at the empty neighbors house, until the house got completely trashed, so yes it's her fault and i made sure she realized that and that she is a fucking retard. still, i hate cops, always will, and that's it.

I didn't think that your anger was misdirected, just maybe like delet said, look at it from their point of view? And personally, even having grown up in a poor area with a working class background and few privileges, I don't hate the police. I feel more resentment towards people who break laws that interfere with my own ability to live my life as I see fit (having had a few kickings and been burgled) than the coppers who pick up the shit afterwards. 'Muscle of the state'? You'd prefer to anarchy or even lawlessness? I suspect (as much as I can over the internet, and I've no reason to have anything against you) that people like you or I would be the first to go up against the wall. And if that sounds like I'm some mindless drone bending over for the man, well show me another way to live that doesn't involve living on a kibbutz and I'll take it.

all interactions i've had with cops have been condescending, even when i've been serving them at work, they're trained dicks. i say, live how you wish, if you grew up in a capitalist society then you have bend over for the man one way or another, it's the extent of it that is your choice. i work part time/full time and go to school (though im not going currently and deciding whether to ever go back) i support myself and live in a one roomer and that's the extent of it for me. if i could, i'd start hitchhiking to canada and live in he fucking woods, i don't know, its all about being at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing, imo. right now my friends and family are keeping me here, the pressures of the state aren't so bad as to run off forever, but they're bad enough to call the cops dick heads and always think so.

Well I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and honestly as well. I'm not trying to flame as I've got no reason to, but our experiences are different, I worked in the emergency services (not Police) in the UK and had a different working relationship with the fuzz to you. Yeah, some of them as individuals seem like utter bellends, no argument. But those same 'muscles of the state' that you describe have to deal with women who have been beaten and raped, children who have been abused, and no end of people doing unspeakable shit to each other on a daily basis. And then they have to come to people like you (and yeah, the implication is that the discreet and personal use of weed is a completely different world and by comparison much less harmless). Two things I would say are that, firstly, yes OK, people have a choice whether or not to become a copper and if they do they need to accept that such shit is what they signed up for. But secondly, if those people choose different jobs, who is there to address the needs of the victims of genuinely serious crimes? Maybe I'm more naive than I like to think, I dunno.


EDIT: And we're living in different countries, of course.

I'm pretty much that this is the most text I've seen in the whole 648 pages of this thread.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

well there is those 7 pages of nothing but discussions about the intimately sensual tight shot picture of sneaksta's vagina bunghole.

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EDIT: And we're living in different countries, of course.


maybe this is part of it.


I deal with cops all the time in my job, so perhaps i see a different side to them. Also i had a couple of mates whose fathers were police when i was in highschool. I've seen the work side as well, and they've always been nothing but courteous, although sometimes abrupt. Like when i got waved through a breathtesting road block that was closing up the other night, i'd turned my lights off auto for some reason and then as a result forgot to actually have to physically turn the bloody things on when i started the car, 'doh'. So this cop shouts angrilly at me "TURN YOUR BLOODY LIGHTS ON". It was a little unnerving being shouted at, but they didn't hop in a patrol car and pull me over, and i was driving with my lights off.


I do find that you get treated better by most of these types of people if you try to be nice, even in a tough situation. If you hold your cool and don't start qit even most seasoned hardnuts will come around a little. Of course there's retarded powertrippers in every profession, not just the police force. As anyone on here who has ever worked in an office can attest. It's just life, the faglords are everywhere, with their low IQs and inability to empathise. (that's not a dig at the posters i'm rebutting)

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Here's me at the Speakeasy Brewery in SF for their anniversary.






And here's a blurry photo of my wrestling with one of the neighbors in the parking lot.



I can never tell from your pictures whether you are pretentious as fuck or just like to have a good time.

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