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If I post what I just ate I would get a warning point =(



snot is for hankies stephen. (darn i can't remember what you real name is from that other thread, would of been cooler if i'd used that.)

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i just pooped



I have to poop but I'm at work and I don't want to poop down the hall and maybe if I hold it the poop will just go away?

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i just pooped



I have to poop but I'm at work and I don't want to poop down the hall and maybe if I hold it the poop will just go away?



this didn't work fyi

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A donkey's asshole

The new McDonalds burger?


thumb food


Can you clarify please?



- it is sometimes said that a person is 'sitting around with their thumb up their ass' when they r acting lazy or showing signs of boredom


- finger food, as u r likely aware of, is similar to hors d'oeuvres (oeuvres) or a small snack before a meal


- so.. naturally u would eat donkey assholes with yr thumbs, not fingers, by sticking the thumb firmly in, then lift up into the mouth; thus they would be considered thumb food and hence the possibility of giving the fine folk here in the watmm what they so fondly refer to (and what is widely know as) a 'lol' or, the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that r the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt or derision.


- since we r on the subject, i'll just go ahead and share with u that i like to eat asshole, but i know that mentioning this is slightly off topic and maybe even a bit cr'ass', even for the watmm and especially when speaking to a lady such as yourself.


(i mean that last bit with the utmost sincerity btw.)

Edited by Redruth
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I like seeing the real troon. Makes a change from the artifice. Well that is if you didn't subscribe to the theory that it's been multiple users with one account over the years.

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